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PyreofKoL Blog

October '08

Ok, only one major game purchase this month: NHL '09. I've had my eye on this game for months, and was thrilled to find (courtesy of the demo I downloaded) that EA decided to take a "If ain't broke, don't fix it" approach to the control set up. I'll write a full review for it shortly, but needless to say, it's an awesome game. The biggest news for this month for me, however, is that my fiancee has finally moved down! :D She's adjusting well, but she's having job troubles, as am I. Ok...I'm going to do something I don't often do and lodge a complaint. I'm a bit irritated by the union recruiting system here, in particular by the fact that I can't recruit for my union in my other unions. I know there's a general recruiting thread on the main GameSpot board and all, but honestly, who really checks it? I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago and I've been on this site for over three years. All well, at least my union will pop up with associated games.

September '08

It's been a good month for gamers, I must say! I was fortunate enough to go to the midnight release for SW: The Force Unleashed. The game lives up to its tagline, "May the Force blow your mind", in every way imaginable. I've also obtained a collection set of the first three Metal Gear Solid games. That's about the best $30 I've ever spent :P The only other game I've gotten this month is Tales of Vesperia. It's a great RPG, but nothing terribly ground breaking for the Tales series. Finally, my fiancee moves down on the 29th! Excited does not begin to describe how I feel ^_^

August '08

Ok, so, new games for this month are: Grid, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 (YAY), and Super Mario 64 DS. FFTA2 is everything I would it be and more. Also, I'm very close to having a job now...hopefully the management will be kind to me at this place that I interviewed at. Finally...MY FIANCEE'S MOVING DOWN NEXT MONTH ^____^

July '08

Ok, I've gotten an assload of new games and such. The two biggest purchases have been BioShock and Soul Calibur IV. SCIV blew me away. I was expecting something good, but not something as great as this game. BioShock was everything I imagined it would be and I'm loving it :D . Ok, I don't know if I mentioned it last month or not, but I also got Gears of War ^-^ Also, REALLY big news: my fiancee's moving down in September! Finally, after I picked up my copy of SCIV today, I pre ordered a copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed :D

June '08

Ok, so, I've added a few games and removed a few. I've obtained both Assassin's Creed for my Xbox360 and Devil May Cry for my PS2, and belatedly added Aegis Wing from XBLA. The first two games are AWESOME. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to get ahold of either of them but....well, you guys know by now that my financial situation hasn't been stellar and on top of that, it took a good bit of negotiating to have my parents finally allow more than one console into the house. ANYWAY, I Aegis Wing is my first and so far only full game download off of XBLA. I happen to be a big fan of shoot 'em ups and this free game is right up my alley. Speaking of my financial situation, I'm going job hunting today, so wish me luck. I'll either add a part B to this month's update on that or I'll let you guys know in July. In other gaming news, I reserved my copy of both SCIV yesterday AND the SCIV guide :D Finally, as always, things with my fiance are going quite well :)

May '08

First and foremost, I got to see my fiance for a week! She got me up to CT for my birthday and I had such a wonderful time...*sigh* However, I got back to SC two days ago and am, once again, REALLY missing her ._. Anyway, only new game I've gotten so far is Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command for the DS. Despite GameSpots's opinion, it's still a nice little game and one of the better DS strategy titles. My job situation is one again crappy, but...that's ok. I still have a strong resolve to kick the problem in the ass. Over all, it's been a pretty good month.

April '08

Lots of great news for this month, for once! First and foremost, I GOT A JOB! Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, here I come! Second, I got Crackdown for Xbox360. That game is AMAZING. Finally, my fiance and I trying get me up there to see her for my birthday ^_^ That's about it for this month :)

March '08 fiance is great...that's about all the good news I have for this month. The job hunting has been an absolute rut, and I haven't gotten too many new games. I have, however, finally played Bully. It's an awesome game...lets me get revenge for my horrible high school days :D About the only other gaming news I have is that I'd give my left testicle to get a Wii and SSBB

February '08

Well, my fiance was down here in SC this was a wonderful wonderful that I'm still wishing that it hadn't ended. I can't wait until we don't have to say goodbye any more...*sigh*...anyway, back to the update. I've got three new games to report: LoZ: Phantom Hour Glass for my DS, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and Bully, both for the PS2. I have yet to play Bully, but I love Lego Star Wars and have beaten LoZ:PHG (superb game, brw). I've also gotten heavily into the online Halo 3 world this month. I'm getting better, bit by bit and am enjoying every minute of it. Finally, I'm still on the job hunt, and especially can't wait until that's over.

January '08

First and foremost, my fiance is doing great, and I can't wait for her to come down in February! As far as gaming goes, I got Pokemon Diamond for my DS and Soul Calibur III (which took me forever to find) for my PS2 amongst other games ^_^. The one bit of bad news is that I'm once again looking for a job, but, fortunately, I have a pretty good job lead I'm looking at right now. I need to call a friend and hopefully I'll have something solid!