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PyreofKoL Blog

August '09

Ok, I've picked up Wolfenstein, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Lord of the Rings Online this month. All three games are awesome. :) My job hunt continues to be both fruitless and frustrating. Please wish me luck. Oh, also, I've been able to get back into Guild Wars: Factions recently. I'm surprised at how many still play considering that two expansions were released after that one. Also, I can't wait for GW2. :D

July '09 ( A Bit Late)

My major game purchase for this month is Marvel vs Capcom 2 (thankfully there were no more delays). Yeah, it's pretty much incredible and then some. I'm particularly enjoying seeing it in HD ^_^ I did get one other game (another arcade game, ironically) and that's Castle Crashers. It's really a ton of fun. despite being a bit repetitve. I'm very, very close to getting a job at Sam's Club, so wish me luck! Also, I got my fiancee addicted to L4D :D

June '09

O Ik, I've gotten four games this month: Fallout 3, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, Battlefield: Bad Company, and LotR Conquest. I'm extremely pissed off that MvC2 has been delayed until the end of the month. This had better be the only major delay. Fallout 3 is also great. I'm working my way through that story line bit by bit. Finally, LotR: Conquest is extremely underrated. Now I admit that it was unfortunately short, but it was still a ton of fun to play. The various jobs, especially the Heroes, really gave the game diversity. I haven't tried BadCo yet, but I've heard it's pretty good. SUGC, however, is AWESOME. Read my review on it for full details. Finally, I am still looking for a job.

May '09

For starters, I got CoD 4. I love that game and have been meaning to get it for a while. Hit me up if you wanna play. The job hunt is fruitless but I have managed to apply to places that are hiring, so wish me luck. Also, I may be getting married in the next few weeks. PM me for more info.

April '09

WHOO, I finally got MK vs DC! The story line is so campy it's awesome and the game play is really solid. I REALLY enjoy playing with the DC characters (Green Lantern ftrw!). I'm really excited about the flurry of BioShock 2 info that's been popping up recently. If I'm not the first person in line for the midnight release of that game in South Carolina then I'll dye my beard pink. :P Finally, as usual, no luck on a job. I'm still tryin', though.

March '09

First off, I've got two new games to report: Tekken TAG Tournament and Halo Wars. Halo Wars is a very fitting outro for Ensemble. They transferred the beloved RTS gameplay that PC fans have been experiencing for years beautifully onto a console. I've been looking for that Tekken game since I first played it in an arcade several years ago and I finally found it, brand new, for $5 at Vide Game Cavern :D Second, WHOO, I'm back to lvl 20 again! Finally, my fiancee is finally getting hours at work at again, and I STILL don't have a job. I've been putting in applications every where, though, so wish me luck, guys

February '09

*sigh* Once again this month, no new games and no job. I did beat FFTA2 finally and am getting close on KH2. I've got plenty of XBL Gold left, guys, so don't be afraid to hit me up for some Left 4 Dead or anything else :) Also, I really need to get MK vs. DC now because Midway went bankrupt, but also just because I want to wreak havoc with the Joker and Green Lantern :D My fiancee is doing well, minus her hours at work being cut down drastically.

January '09

Heh, well, for once, I don't have a new game to talk about this month :P I DO however, have some great news about my job hunt: I had an interview last Thursday :D I haven't heard anything yet, but I'll be giving them a call on Monday. I do have one minor bit of gaming news at the moment: I am hopelessly addicted to Kingdom Hearts II right now. Some times, if you don't play a good Squeenix game for a while, you forget just how good their story telling and gameplay are. I just picked up KH II again a few days ago and haven't been able to put it down xP That reminds me, I still can't wait for KH 358/2 Days comes out ^_^ Finally, my fiancee is doing really well, minus some unfortunate paycuts that they're having to make at her work place right now.

December '08

Merry Christmas, all! Speaking of Christmas, I got Left 4 Dead as a present from my fiancee ^_^ I also have been able to pick up a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV. Both games are absolutely amazing! I particularly recommend L4D for a stellar addition to anybody whose collection is multi player focused (like mine), because it's nearly unparalleled in that respect. Furthermore, I've been able renew my XBL Gold and was able to purchase 1600 MSP (which were spent on the new TFU Jedi Temple mission and several DLC packs for Tales of Vesperia). Gaming news aside, my fiancee quit one of her jobs due the fact that they were consistently letting her off at least an hour later than normal for the last two or three weeks. She's doing just fine, however, with her other job. As for New Year's plans, I'm going to a friend's house on New Year's eve and will be having a party at my house on New Year's day :D That's all the news I have for this month :)

November '08

Ah, how I love this time of the year! I'm so psyched for Thanksgiving! Gorging myself on food, playing and watching football and playing games with my family and friends...doesn't get much better that that ^_^ As far  as games go, I got Gears of War 2 and will be getting Left 4 Dead from my fiancee :D Speaking of my wife to be, she's doing well, and has adjusted to working two jobs nicely.