I really, really wanted this game to succeed. The idea sounded so fun with the parkour and the mixing of spells and such. But I had a major red flag that kept hitting me in the head. Square Enix. They have been dropping the ball A LOT the past year or so when developing and/or publishing some new IP's. (Babylons Fall, anyone?)
But I kept hoping that wouldn't be the case here. I will still keep my eye on it and see if it gets any love and gets polished up, and what fans think of it. But it seems like it turned out the way I feared it would.
I mean, in theory this sounds awesome. A Warhammer 40k series could be amazing if done correctly. And I suppose Henry Cavill could make a good Astartes, or even a good Guardsman.
But they would have to go ALL OUT on this. Warhammer 40k is a dark, gritty, violent, bloody, disturbing, ruthless universe. They can't pull any punches on this show, or they would ruin the entire atmosphere of the show.
That being said, if they stay true to the brutality that Warhammer 40k is supposed to be, it could be a neat show. And War40k has soooooo much lore, they could pretty much do anything they wanted.
All these dark, gritty stories SHOULD be rated R. Stop tweaking them down and polishing them up just so they can be PG-13. I understand from a monetary standpoint why they would want PG-13, but you generally ruin your positive ratings when you try to dial down things that are not meant to be dialed down.
Contstantine is meant to be dark, disturbing, gritty, violent, etc. Don't try and teeny bop it just to drop the rating.
RELeon's comments