The only time I can see this game being more fun is when private servers come along to prevent annoying public players. Once you can grab a few friends and play in your own server, it might be fun.
Kinda sounds like they are saying the game is going to be disappointing at release, but asking to give them time to patch it up over time. Not an appealing way to release a game.
Bad move. This just forces players to adhere to overpowered builds if they want to get anything done, especially when dealing with PvP. Variety in builds will suffer as metas come out and people know they can’t respec, so they won’t experiment. The only reason I could see this is if, at max level, you have enough points to max out all your SPECIAL, and then it will all be about how you slot your perk cards. But if that is the case, why not just come out and say it? Just a bad move.
@bastardcookies: I get that, and I agree with you. Mods like that would be great. I just think it would be really hard to regulate all the mods to ensure some are not giving people a crazy unfair advantage.
Yeah I wouldn't think they would allow mods from private servers to cross to public. That would just be broken. Definitely keep those things separate.
It would be fun privately with friends, but if you could transfer that gear over to public servers, people would just cheese it. Good call and keeping them separate.
RELeon's comments