I am no fan of this game, but seems to me that the mentality of bailing on games rather than taking time to fix them is part of the reason we have so many crap games nowadays. I am glad they are at least attempting to work on this game rather than try and run.
Games like ESO, Diablo 3, Division, Warframe, etc are examples of games that were considered failures at launch by many. They seemed half-assed, no end-game, money grubbing, bug ridden, broken down games. But devs listened to the player base, and over time altered the games to become exceptionally better than their former selves. Many will still argue they are still terrible games, but many will argue that they have become quite fun because the devs took the time to listen to their players and fix their games rather than cut their losses and bail on them.
I have a lot more respect for a dev that sticks by their product and tries to fix it, than I do for one that bails on it when it does poorly(granted I have MORE respect for a dev who doesn't release a broken game either). Who knows. If they listen to fans, down the road, this game could be fun. WAY down the road.
I really have zero concern about Cyberpunk. CDPR has earned the benefit of the doubt from me over the years. I am just giddy with anticipation as I await the release date.
Much like ESO, this game is a disappointment upon release. It is lackluster, lonely, and mindless. The stories lack anything interesting, with everyone in the game is dead(besides enemies), and the pacing of the game is REALLY wonky. You roll around an area with level 10 enemies, then all the sudden there is a level 48 standing there to slaughter you. You fight some enemies that are level 15 and die in one shot, and other enemies that are level 12 and take 10 shots to kill. Levels tend to be VERY deceiving in this game.....a game that wants to act like an MMORPG, where gear, skill, and levels matter.
You go WAY out east or north or south, hoping enemies get harder and things get more interesting, but still, the enemies are the same, and the loot is the same, etc.
So you hope stuff gets better as you level up, that it might scale with you. And to a degree, it does, but not by much. You start dealing with enemies that are tougher, but they still have the same crap loot. Even going inside blast zone areas that have been nuked, that have enemies well above level 60+, and they will still just drop pipe rifles and pump shotguns.
You can do dailies or public events, hoping to get something good out of it, but it is usually basic gear like ammo, meds, and maybe a plan for some cosmetic stuff to go into your base. Which, good luck using all those fun cosmetic things in your base, because the budget fills up so fast, you can't really build more than a 4 walls and some workstations, with a few turrets for defense.
You can find hidden maps and treasures and such, which take a bit of time to find because you have to recognize the area on the drawing of a map, then find the buried treasure. But these rarely drop anything useful either. Usually just 3 or 4 items, being basic things like meds or lowbie weapons.
Vendors rarely ever reset(seems to be on a 24 hour timer or something), and tend to reset with the same crap over and over, with minor changes. Each vendor only carries 200 caps, and those caps are shared among vendors of the same faction. So while there may be 15 or so vendors, there are really only about 5 or 6 different pools of caps that vendors will shell out every day or so. And if they reset with nothing new for you, too bad. Wait another day or mindlessly run around hoping to stumble on something.
Which wouldn't be a big deal, because you could just save that stuff for later, right? Wrong. The stash fills up so fast, and your own carried inventory fills up so fast, that the game becomes a item management simulator. You may have found something good that you can't use yet, so now you either just ditch it and hope you get one again later, or carry it and keep yourself weighted down. And you can't sell it, because vendors are probably out of caps and have nothing you want to buy. Sure, you can use perk cards to reduce weight on things like weapons, armor, meds, and junk. But these will take up most of your perk slots, nerfing other aspects about your character. Not to mention these perks only seem to work when the item is ON your character, and does not apply to the stash. A piece of gear might only weigh 3lbs on me with a perk, but once I put it in the stash, it becomes 6-7lbs.
When all is said, this game SERIOUSLY needs touch up work. What ESO was when it first came out, and what it is now, has become a night and day difference. Fallout would need this level of change, rework, patching, and polishing to become a long term, enjoyable game. There are too many quality of life issues with the game, on top of irritating bugs, to really keep the game interesting. I foresee years of patchwork needed to get this game running properly. Whether or not Bethesda wants to invest that much time in a game they claim will be around for years and years to come, remains to be seen.
I only ever played BF games for the 64 player chaos, best enjoyed with friends in a squad. And to see how hard I could push my rig with maxing out the settings.
As I watched Ant Man and the Wasp last week, and as I saw the typical Stan Lee cameo like in all his movies, I chuckled before it dawned on me that someday soon he would be gone and we would lose a great man who did great things, and brought joy to many during his lifetime. I didn't expect it to happen a mere week after these thoughts ran through my head.
Sure, he may have only been seen as a comic book writer and an entertainer, but he helped many people through their day to day lives with his entertainment, especially those who grew up reading his comics and watching his movies. The man most likely brought joy to tens of millions of people, if not hundreds of millions, through his lifetime. A feat not many can accomplish in life. This is a sad day indeed.
"Mobile is the biggest platform in gaming today," Brack said. "And taking a game like Diablo onto that platform in a way that is really reflecting our quality standards." Sounds more like you had dollar signs on your mind, and not the best interest of your longstanding fan base.
@Barighm: You can do basic crafting and building, but crafting is very limited by perk cards and SPECIAL points, and building is limited by a overall budget. So not everyone can blow through their crafting materials at this point. For me, I built up my gunsmith and armorsmith up, so I use alot of materals to craft and mod, but I still have an absurd amount of excess materials that I can't stash due to the limit.
Once you cant stash anything else, and you cant carry anything else without being overencumbered, the whole "gathering loot" part of the game is put on hold. And it doesn't take long either. I had a full stash within 15 hours of beta, and it is just junk, not even weapons and armor. It fills up fast.
Not really surprising. They have IMPORTANT stuff to do, like old warcraft games to remaster and mobile diablo games to develop. They don't have time for trivial projects like Diablo 4 or Warcraft 4. *sarcasm*
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