Would much prefer a Left 4 Dead 3 as opposed to Half Life 3 at this point.
Half Life was a GREAT game, and it is one of my favorite IP's of gaming history, but I think the wait for HL3 is just too excessive at this point. The expectations for that game have reached heights that Valve will never be able to reach, and everyone will be disappointed in the end, no matter what Valve does with that game.
This is really gonna come down to cost and what is available on it. If they want it to compete with PC's, such as running 90FPS and 4k, its gonna cost a pretty penny. Even 3 years from now, spec's like that won't be cheap.
And what is going to be on it? Is it going to be running its own OS? Is it going to be up gradable as time goes on? Will it have a full selection of games like Xbox, PS4, PC, etc? Or will it have a handful of games on it, that won't be worth the price tag? So far all they did was gloat about a handful of spec's, and everything else is completely blank.
Actually kind of surprised. Most articles I read early on at release, most people seemed to favor Kassandra. I guess I assumed that applied to most of the player base.
Yikes, first it is voluntary to watch ads for in-game bonuses. Then it is no longer voluntary, you watch ads. Then you can pay to block ads and get in game bonuses for incentive. Then it becomes a payment to block ads, no bonus items. Then it becomes a monthly subscription fee to block ads, bonus items for incentive. Then it becomes a monthly subscription fee to block ads, no bonus items.
I enjoy Obsidian's games, so on the surface I am quite excited for this. Obviously, there needs to be more revealed about this in the future. But so far, I am getting some positive vibes.
RELeon's comments