I dunno, I wish more games had Early Access style releases. Preferably at the discount since players will be helping fine tune an unfinished game. I think it really helps dev's get an idea of what the players want before they do a full release.
If people want to wait for the full release, that is fine too. But allowing more access to the players, being more transparent about the development of the game, and listening to the input of the fanbase BEFORE a full release seems like its always a better idea.
Releasing a game and THEN fixing the problems the players complain about afterwards is a recipe for failure. By that point you lose a lot of the playerbase. Preemptively finding solutions to gripes about the game with Early Access seems like a better solution. I think most complaints that players have about games on release are things that could have easily been addressed in earlier stages of development.
Jeez, 1 billion in under 2 weeks, AND without China adding to the stack? That is quite impressive. Here is to another 10 years of the next generation of awesome Marvel movies!
Not sure anything about Destiny is "engaging" or "new style." Hope they do something cool, as I don't wish failures on anyone or their projects, but not expecting anything special from Destiny.
This is actually probably the one Marvel movie I wouldn't bother trying to see. Maybe rent it a year later for a few bucks, but I don't see myself getting all excited for it. Black Widow has been an EXTREMELY dull character for me in these movies the past 10+ years.
I would be excited if Wildlands ever got anymore PvE content, but seems like all they care about now is PvP. Sooooo hopefully this just hints that a Splinter Cell game is in the works, which makes me excited.
Sounds good in theory, but as they mentioned, how does AI know the difference between playful trash talk between friends and when players are being legitimately toxic? Also, will it detect voice chat? If not, people will just be toxic in voice chat rather than text.
Every time I tend to go back and play OW, I get nothing but hateful and toxic players in my games. I dunno if this is just bad luck for me or if the game is riddled with them. Either way, it IS kind of a turn off in games when the player base is so volatile.
Farcry 5 WAS great, but BEST? Debatable. If you are talking environmental graphics and such, yeah Farcry is quite stunning. Even the story was quite captivating at times(minus the endings). Minus Vaas from FC3, I think FC5 had some of the best villains in the series.
But I think Wildlands was a bit more intriguing. And the stealth was a bit more fun. Farcry had too many random encounters that ruined your attempts to stealthily take an outpost.
Farcry wins, easily, when you are talking about how chaotic and hilarious the world can be, and the funny stuff you witness. But overall I think Wildlands was a slightly better game in most aspects.
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