I find it silly this is not on PC, even though all the mechanics just scream it. And in my opinion, now that other games like The Division have been announced on PC, Bungie is going to lose some customers if they don't follow the same path. I am sure the game will still be great on consoles, but you are losing out on a big market of PC gamers who refuse to play console games.
I would find these games much more compelling if they had a coop factor in them. I know they are made to be epic solo player storylines, but squad based games like these would be much more fun when playing with friends.
I have never been big into Everquest games, but from what I have read, this game does sound quite impressive. I won't get my hopes up TOO much, as too many times have we been told great things about a game, only to be shafted in the end. But if they deliver all they say they do, this game could be a big deal.
Stoked for this. Im guessing this particular Elizabeth is directly involved somehow in the events that lead up to Anna even being born, so this particular Elizabeth cannot be erased by the events that take place in Infinite, because if she didnt exist, Anna wouldnt have existed, which means Ourlizabeth never would have existed because zero Elizabeths would have existed at all. So perhaps this particular Elizabeth is crucial to the paradox that keeps Ourlizabeth in existence, and Ourlizabeth is somehow crucial to keeping all existence into existence. Thus these particular variables cannot be undone or erased by what happend in Infinite because they are necessary variables in the paradox that keeps the universe in existence.
Only thing I can think of is that the universe that Infinite took place in is somehow directly involved with the universe you play in with Bioshock 1 and 2. Somehow the two are interconnected, probably through some sort of paradox. Maybe what happened is directly related with Anna even being born. If she was never born, the events in Infinite never would have happened, and OURlizabeth never would have existed to even achieve her transcendence and gain her ability to change the Bioshock universe. Yet somehow, Elizabeth plays a role in Anna being born, so this particular Elizabeth has to exist in order for Anna to be born in order for the events in Infinite to transprire in order for OURlizabeth to transcend, so this particular Elizabeth cannot be erased by the events that happened in Infinite because she is a crucial piece in keeping OURlizabeth in existence, and OURlizabeth may have to exist in order for all of existence to exist. Just a theory.
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