@push88 @RELeon Lol yeah me and the other countless players that can't even open the game without a crash at this point. We must all be lying, right? We all lied so well, Namco/From Software even went public about getting 3rd party modders to help fix the "fake" problem we claim to have.
The launch trailer should just show a white screen, and then a crash to desktop over and over for 1:25. Because that is all a large portion of the PC gamer are getting to play at this point!!
@2Black2Strong No, they should have a system where you can fight eachother until someone wins. Making it as simple as pressing melee after someone knifes you and you auto win is stupid, just like knifing someone from the front being an auto win is stupid too. You thinking it should be that simple because you are "defending yourself" is what makes YOU sound like a noob.
Knife countering is stupid. If you could counter back and forth until someone wins, it would be enjoyable. But to be punished for trying to knife someone because all they have to do is hit their melee button to kill you with your own knife attack is silly. Make it more complicated to counter, or don't have it. Just my opinion.
@2Black2Strong I find the counterattack thing very silly. Pretty much makes it stupid to knife people from the front because all they have to do is counter it and you automatically die. There is no countering his counter. It punishes you for using your knife, when you should be rewarded for it.
@Tripwolf I am a major hardcore PC player for the past 20 years, but even I thought Darksouls 1 was much better optimized for Xbox than it was for PC. However, this time around I think they will get it right and the PC version will be amazing.
Brag about making it cross platform, all while still completely ignoring the PC community. Fail.
And did they not say in the past that they didn't put it on PC because too many platforms could take away from the quality of the game? Now they boast about cross platforming it? Make up your minds Bungie.
Its a video game.......if you don't like how Hideo makes his characters, don't play the game. It's not like anyone is forcing the game upon you. All this is speculation at this point. Nobody knows WHY she looks the way she does, so relax and wait for the game to come out. She is basically wearing a bikini. Big deal. There are much more offensive video game characters than her.
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