dont know what the problem this article mentions is with iron man... personally i kinda got sick of tony stark especially after civil war... i wasnt a big fan of captain america before but now he tops tony imo...
what i expect from gow4 is another great story in a new setting, the story between gow3 and 4 and keep the ultra violence, its such a huge part of the game... i bought my playstation consoles mainly for gow (of course there are more than enough other good games), my hopes are high!
@wayneextremity: it could have been great but the enemy variety was too little and the only "boss fight" was that huge thing, the end battle was just bad... but im sure they can make a great 2nd part if they listen to critisism...
@kornscore04: 200$ for 1000h of gameplay is a good price imo, had that with D1 and looking at the improvements i'm sure history will repeat... and if you complain about gameplay being similar, almost every fps series did the same...
@PfizersaurusRex: seriously you dont know rutger hauer? he was in a lot of movies, some of them very famous (blade runner, batman begins, sin city, ...), you probably dont know his name but surely you saw at least 2 movies with him...
@rcontini: no they wont, with luck we will get winds of winter but grrm will never finish the last book, he is either too lazy or too scared that he will **** it up...
RO-nIn187's comments