I'd be much more interested in this if it had the same aesthetic as it's trailer. I didn't really expect it to, but I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
Just so we're clear, before the 76th person says "you left out..."
-You don't need an after market cpu cooler.
-If you leave windows 10 deactivated then it's free.
-Your TV will work as a monitor.
-A mouse and keyboard will run you under 10 dollars at walmart. And if you want a wireless mouse and keyboard for couch gaming, that will run you a whopping $18.
Now, of course, there are drawbacks to all these. TVs aren't particularly good monitors, but if you've been gaming on consoles, you've been living with their drawbacks already. Deactivated windows 10 forces the desktop wallpaper to be plain black. A cheap mouse just isn't as precise and lacks the extra buttons that you'll find on gaming mice. A stock CPU cooler will... actually the difference are so small they're not worth mentioning if you're not overclocking.
But if you've been gaming on console and want to get into PC gaming literally none of these should hold you back. Putting off a building a PC because a nice m&K could run you a couple hundred is like putting off buying an xbox because the elite controller will cost you $150. Putting it off because a nice monitor will run you a lot more, when you've been perfectly content on TV for all this time, makes no sense.
And if you're not getting into PC gaming for the first time... you already have a monitor, m&k and if you really care, and after market cooler.
@sgtsaltnpepper: That's all well and good. Keep gaming on consoles, then. But you didn't say "I want to keep gaming on consoles, because I want the plug and play experience." You said "there's no reason." Yes there absolutely is. Maybe those reasons don't appeal to you, just like 30 FPS exclusives don't appeal to me. But, I don't go to Zelda or Bloodborne articles and say "there's no reason to by a [console goes here] when your exclusive games are locked at stuttery." If people enjoy them, then cool. Not my cup of tea, but cool.
Also no one buys from Windows Store unless they have to.
@sgtsaltnpepper: Except.... more games, cheaper games, more choice in input method, more choice in performance v. graphical fidelity, potential for piecemeal upgrading, free online gaming, greater mod support and guaranteed future compatibility.
There are plenty of reasons someone might prefer PC to console that have nothing to do with specs.
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