@Pooya1881: Did they? They brought back the tactical camera... but made it useless. They changed the combat but clearly for the worse. They made the story more epic... and gave us just another BioWare chosen one story. They got rid of the blatant asset re-use and set in more than one city, but that was going to happen anyway. After all, you can't ape Skyrim while trying to tell a single-city story.
Honestly, I think DA2 was a significantly better game than DA:I. Combat was better, Characters were too, imo. Story may not have been but at least it was trying to do something interesting.
@mari3k: Like I said elsewhere, that's like watching the Lakers and asking "where the hell are Magic and Kareem!" BioWare now just isn't the same people that made DA:O or KOTORor Jade Empire or Mass Effect 1. Their interests are different, their approach is different, their skills are different. BioWare won't write interesting characters because they can't write interesting characters anymore. They just don't have the talent.
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