@JEF8484: Maybe it would have a better score, but would it better reflect the quality of the game? The last time BW released a ME game the critics jerked off all over it and almost nobody even mentioned the ending. And when BioWare released Dragon Age Inquisition, critics lined up to call a GOTY contender. Maybe the negativity forced the critics to take off the rose-tinted glasses they put on whenever it comes time to review a Bioware game.
@nahnood: A game like Uncharted has plenty of content and everyone agrees that it is good. I haven't played ME:A, but by all accounts it seems to be DA:I in space. I'd take a relatively short game that just nails what it's going for (like Uncharted or Doom or the Banner Saga) over a bloated meandering game with SO MUCH (mediocre) CONTENT! 8 days a week.
@commander: I don't see how lots of content is much of a selling point these days. There are so many open world games and so many good games, that you're never in need of content. The question is "is it good content?"
@deviltaz35: That, and, BioWare chased off everyone who was in for story-driven gaming. Surprise! The fans you lured with fancy shooter mechanics and shiny graphics care about things like facial animations more than the fans that loved you but gave up when went full EA.
@jynxce: That's just ridiculous. First off, critic reviews of Iron Fist and user scores of BioWare games got tanked for LITERALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE REASON. Bioware scores get tanked because their games are preachy re: diversity. They're filled with more LGBT characters than the pride sub-reddit.
Iron fist on the other hand got tanked because it wasn't diverse enough. In particular, the problem was that the lead was white instead of asian.
Now, do you really think that gamespot would ever tank a game for being too diverse--even if that diversity was forced? Sorry, hate to break it to you, but gamespot pretty clear skews liberal, like the rest of the games media. Assuming that it got tanked for diversity reason is frankly absurd.
@louixiii: AAA is only an indication of quality when you're arguing with other people. Like so, "sure platform X has a ton of super-fun well-reviewed games, but none of them are AAA!"
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