@Itzsfo0: It's not one game. It's basically every game dating back to DA2. It was an obviously rushed let down, ME3... well, you know, SW:TOR wasn't particularly well received, and well DA:I was well reviewed, fans didn't like it much at all. The ugly truth is that BW hasn't made a great game in a long time, critics are just starting to catch on.
@GT_APE: Why are you so invested in a COMPANY that you feel the need to FORGIVE them (for a game)? I'll let you in on a little secret: they don't care. They want you money, not your forgiveness.
@eterpay: First off, it wasn't some random gamers. It was a LOT of random gamers: on none of the 5 platforms DA:I released on does it have a good (7.5+) metacritic rating.
Second, it's entirely possible that the critics were wrong. I don't think anyone looks back on that game with the fondness you'd expect from a game of the year contender (and in many cases: winner). And I think that's because DA:I was the gaming equivalent of Oscar-bait: Epic story! Open world! Actiony game play but still lots of RPG elements! Crafting! Actually gay characters! Polished to a shine (except on PC)! It had everything you want in a GOTY contender... except a soul. Looking back on it now... well, it's the Crash of games.
@commander: If you think BioWare's even capable of making an game like ME1 again, you're fooling yourself. They haven't in over ten years. They've lost most of the people that worked on ME1, and added so many new voices that those that left are drowned out. Even if they were capable of making a ME1-esque game, EA wouldn't let them.
@ph1nn: Top tier? It's the fourth best anaimation in a MASS EFFECT game: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/sqnpjlu2u5loac38fa5y.gif
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