Raiko101's forum posts
Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Final Fantasy VII VIII & IX, Breath of Fire III & IV, Crash Bandicoot series, Spyro the Dragon series, Grand Theft Auto, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Cool Boarders 4, Gran Turismo, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2-4, Dino Crisis, Silent Hill, Smackdown 2, Twisted Metal 1 & 2, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Rayman, Driver, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Grandia, Parappa the Rappa, Abe's Odyssey/Exodus, Soul Blade, Wipeout 2047, Ape Escape, Ridge Racer Type 4, Dead or Alive, Alundra, Colin Mcrae Rally, Tomba!, Klonoa, MediEvil 1 & 2, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Vagrant Story, Suikoden, Parasite Eve, Wild Arms, Syphon Filter, Bushido Blade, Destruction Derby 1 & 2, Colony Wars, G-Police.
Listing games isn't really going to help, because no matter how many great games you pull out of that N64 list, the Playstation could easily double it.
Well, the way I see it:
Less powerful console = easier to develop games for = less expensive = more units sold
More units sold is a pretty good "excuse" for a business.
I personally don't give a damn if the Wii has the worst graphics. Gameplay has always left a bigger, better impression than graphics on me.
exactly. graphics dont make boring glitchy repitive games in HD any better.What boring, glitchy and repetitive games are you on about?I wouldn't put Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, DK64, Mario Kart 64,1080 or the Turok series into the category of best N64 games. They're cult classics, but they're not quite in the same league the as other games you mention. They're not worth owning the console for, rather worth owning if you have the console.
Edit - It's just my opinion, but I found 1080 to be a horribly sluggish and boring game. That and having played Goldeneye before Turok, I found the latter to be quite a rubbish experience too.
I too prefered the PS1 over the N64, but I owned both. It's just the N64 didn't have that many games I enjoyed. I bought the likes of Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, Orcarina of Time, Diddy Kong Racing, Blast Corps, etc. Those were brilliant games. It's just there was a lot of crap on that console too. Don't get me wrong, every console has its crap, but when you're a kid and without the internet, you didn't know any better.
The biggest problem with the N64 was the price of the cartridges. They were nearly £60 at one point, and if you bought a game you didn't like, you lost a lot of money. While they were brand new games, N64 games were almost the same price as two Playstation games, which always influenced your options. It also helped having an official Playstation magazine that could give away demo discs every month, to help give you a better understanding in what you were investing in. With the N64 it wasn't like that. If you bouht something you didn't like, in my case Toruk, you quickly became cautious about buying another game for the console.
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