1) What is your age? 26, gaming since the mid 80's.
2) Is your association with pc-games rather positive or negative? In other words, would you consider yourself to be a pc-game enthusiast or a non-gamer? Primarily a PC gamer, though my attitude towards the industry is somewhat neutral. A lack of creativity, and the sequel driven industry is disappointing and the quality of user interfaces in games has declined an almost incomprehensible amount in the last 10yrs or so with the advent of console ports that were never designed with the mouse as a primary intercae component. Such basis GUI elemnts as drop down menus is now pretty much extinct in games. Nevertheless, the open ended easily patched and modded state of PC games the decades worth of quality gaming material and the thriving indy gaming scene mean there is a lot available on the PC that will never be able to be appreciated on consoles.
3) If you play games, what type of game genre do you prefer? PC Centric>RPG, Adventure, turn based strategy, Sports Management sims. Consoles>Platformers, Arcade ****sports games.
4) Name 6 adjectives that come into your mind when you think of computer games? Stagnant, Open, Accessible, Copycat, Piracy, Depth.
Explanation for my adjectives:
Stagnant-The industry as a whole as seen very little progress, or sustained development. It's all bigger, and more of the same.
Open- Games themselves are open, easily modded and altered and typically have far more in-game options then console variants do. The internet ensures multiplayer options are simply and easily added with no extra expense from the consumers perspective.
Accessible-With such a sheer variety over so many years there is quality material out there for anyone, with any budget on any PC. Even a 10yr old PC with a budget of $0.00 as years worth of surprisingly good abandonware game, and freeware indy released. A 20yr old PC can cheaply purchase and play a game like Exile and get a better RPG experience then modern triple AAA games like Oblivion.
Copycat-Very little that's new and innovative, we get more of the same thrust upon us with regularity. If any game does successfully bring out something different then every single game copies it. The absolute ton of WWII type shooters with similar names, all RPG's ultimately being first person action adventure games with character advancement ever since Morrowind, with no variation from that routine.
Piracy-Massive, and impossible to prevent. Pirated games easily available to anyone anywhere in the world on the internet. Cracks available immediately upon release that actually make playing games more convenient if you do crack it then go through the myriad anti-piracy schemes. When any game is available on or occasionally even before the release date, and anyone can get at them with ease and it's near impossible to catch the distributors and downloaders...the sheer profit lost probably vastly exceeds legitimate purchasers.
Depth-PC's will ultimately always be more powerful then consoles, with plenty of memory and huge hard drives. As consoles are ultimely derived from computer hardware (albeit not necessarily mainstream hardware that would be put into a PC), this will always be a fact. Leading to more potential on the PC side, and the interface will mean far more flexibility.
Even something as basic as PC Sports Management sims are incredibly difficult to adequately put out a console experience to match what PC gamers saw in the late 90's.
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