You could probably upgrade to x1950 2gb ram and a faster p4, that would probably be kind of ok, but your probably better off with a new dual core and pci-e computer.
I dont know how removing the front would change anyhting, but you could go into the bios and make sure its booting off the right device, and check boot screen to see if the hard drive shows up.
8600GT Overclocking Mini Guide (use google for more detail)
1.Find Max Speeds (ATi Tool), back down a bit for headroom. 2.Test temperature @ OC Speed (Ati Tool) 3.Find Shader speed using ati tool + rivatunner. 4.Modify bios with Nibitor, (Core/shader/memory speed) 5.Flash bios in dos, with nvflash. (Dos Command = nvflash -4 -5 -6 biosname.rom)
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