@Hvac0120 Haven't ever paid $59.99 for Xbox Live and I've been a member since Day 1. Market price for Xbox Live is $40, based on any number of online sales.
@Celsius765 Fine. "Call of Duty" is a game where you shoot targets from a first-person perspective and navigate through a three-dimensional environment. Just like "Castle Wolfenstein 3D", "Doom" and so many others. However I don't like "Doom" but do like CoD and Halo, even though they're the same game, when I boil it down just as you have.
@XspidervenomX I wouldn't be ... because if someone's Gold membership lapses and they've downloaded Fable III and Defense Grid already, they can play them all they like, unlike what will happen if a Plus membership lapses.
@Srenuka14 You have access to the games only as long as you pay for PlayStation Plus, just as you have access to the Netflix library as long as you pay for it. That's a rental program, and it's certainly a good one. I'm not dissing it at all.
@Celsius765 Microsoft apparently thinks highly of the title (as does GS, based on its review), and frankly I've been introduced to a number of good games that have been made available for free or very low cost.
My point is this ... instead of dissing the game sight-unseen, how about giving it a try and then offering up an opinion? You know, "don't judge a book by its cover" and all that?
@glassesboy @RandyAU93 I'm defending an 800 MSP game that I already own and am not kvetching about it being included in Games For Gold. It's a good title that I purchased not long after it was released and still enjoy from time to time, much as GameSpot apparently did in its positive review.
RandyAU93's comments