@d-man: exactly, i prefer linear games with a good chunk of exploration over open-world games. in my experience the quality is just better, because everything is happening on more limited space thus more controllable for the developer. while i can enjoy games like the Witcher 3 or Fallout, my favourite games are bioshock, dead space or resident evil-like games. and of course they look a bit better than open-world games :)
Aren't you the Nathan from PlaystationAcces? One of my favourite youtube channels! You guys need to do more let's plays though (if you indeed are that guy). don't starve and outlast were really fun to watch.
@swillermann: it is possible to shorten loading times. i don't know much about game programming but i never thought it would be possible. yet Bloodborne did it and cut the loading times pretty severely. and it is a truly magnificent looking and big game (the 2 things a noob like me would think would influence the loading time).
@czlapaj2: i totally agree with you. big resident evil fan from the start. and i too enjoyed re6 and ORC and put a lot of time into those games. still think ORC had the best zombie behaviour of all RE games. the way they would swarm you was just amazing. they should have shown more reaction to bullets though. i have to disagree on outbreak, as i did not like those because of that virus thing that keeps building up. i want to take my time playing the game, especially a resident evil game, and that virus thing annoyed the crap out of me.
RaveNRolla's comments