Coop should have been the 1st dlc. everyone's waiting for it. weird choice too. lots of players will have stopped playing this by fall.
MP is a lot of fun, but sometimes it feels like there's too many gimmicks. I hope for the return of a classic mode (just long gun, pistol and gear) somewhere along the line. ranked match is really weird, bordering on frustrating. i've been on platinum 1 for a week now and i just can't win the qualifiers to diamond 3. in ranked i exclusively get matched with really bad teammates (0 kill, 10-12 deaths bad) and i've been in the qualifiers 3 or 4 times now. makes you wonder how those people got that far. and if i do get some descent teammates and we're in the lead 2 of my teammates quit/disconnect and we lose to sheer numbers. this is also where the gimmicks come in. in uncharted 3 i could handle being down a man or two, but in uncharted 4 when there's 2 hunters and a brute up my ass there's just no way i can eject the bullets from my gun fast enough ;) in all other game modes aswell, being down a man or two is surprisingly hard to compensate compared to previous uncharted games.
Furthermore i'd love if the hero weapon long guns all lose that additional loadout point they have compared to the pistol hero weapons (hero long guns LP cost: long gun + mod 1 + mod 2 + 1 LP, hero pistols: pistol + mod 1 + mod 2), which would make it possible to use to awesome hero weapons with a grenade and a somewhat usable booster like mark on damage lvl 2 and still choose something to pour your in-match-money into. I'm still hoping for a return of sure foot/team safe, because i hate hate hate getting knocked down, it's pretty much a guaranteed death with a knockdown time of several seconds and can too be very frustrating.
quick question at the end: have you guys noticed wether the mods "reload speed" and "aimed strafe speed" are actually worth it? i noticed only a very slight decrease of reload time (almost nothing when compared to the difference in u3) and the same for aimed strafe speed. worth it or not? i switch between elena's and sully's mettler (clip size + either reload speed or aimed strafe speed) but i'm thinking about just using the clip-mode and put the rest of the LP somewhere else (like a nice magnum). what do you guys think?
@SoNin360: as far as i understand it it's mostly to push VR. i for one am not going to buy it, because i'm not that into VR and i have only 2-3 games on my ps4 that really use the ps4's power. i need way more games before even considering buying a new console.
I'm not a fan of this hacking stuff and having my game screen full of waymarkers and other hud-markers, but i definitely appreciate getting rid of that old mechanic. it's had its time, it has been good fun at the beginning and was implemented in just slightly too many games and it's a good time for it to rip now.
i'd love to see more hellblade! everything i've seen so far looked amazing, but they haven't really shown much gameplay, except for a bit of pre-alpha sword-fighting.
and of course re2make. i doubt they change the perspective, and i'd be happy if they just do the same as with the remake: add some areas, add some puzzles, add some new mechanics (like defensive items), maybe flesh out the upgrade system a bit and of course change placement and solutions of previous puzzles.
@Wolfkcing: i even really liked ORC. sure there's a lot of things to criticise, but it did some parts pretty good. 4P-coop was awesome and a lot of fun. and i really loved the behaviour of the zombies, like the way they would swarm you. i honestly think no other resi-game ever did that better. the reaction of the zombies to your bullets is another thing, other games like re5 did that a lot better.
i'm missing a story mode too, otherwise i would probably buy this. i know there's a single player mode, but it seems to be rather dull and has you doing the same objective over and over. For resident evil fighting mutated monsters should be the focus, if a resi-game adds an online component it should be a coop feature rather than a competitive one where you fight other players (other games just do that better and as i said it doesn't make sense for me).
huh, definitely looks fresh. i've never been into trials games but combine it with a wee bit of gunplay and i might just be into it. always open for new stuff i haven't tried yet, looks like an interesting fusion.
i'd love to use 1 one the 90 billion screenshots i made with the ps4 as a menu wallpaper. some of them turned out really awesome. the ps3 had this feature, can't be so hard to implement. there are no themes available that i like.
also is there anyway we could sort our trophies by name of the game (also like on ps3) instead of having the newest games on top?
lastly can we please delete unwanted applications like the room or playstation now, they're just taking up space and i never use them.
RaveNRolla's comments