i don't see the point of this (or these). i got my ps4 1,5 years ago and it just barely started to get some interesting games. i see no point in buying a new console now. people who buy this (or the new xbox) why do you do it? just for VR? is there any other reason, like specific games that only run on the 1.5 version consoles?
i get that characters like chris and claire are pretty much trained in these horror scenarios and are likely not easily scared after all they went through so it wouldn't be a good fit. On top of that what would be the point to play as chris or claire in FPV. i disagree with the argument of those characters surviving no matter what. i'd love if the game (or future re-titles) would have the balls to kill of a main character, instead they always invent some new side characters, like Piers or Moira to die and i just think "oh well, farewell then" (ok Moira, i was seriously sad about, but she only dies in the bad ending).
@bbq_R0ADK1LL: competition and exclusives are what keeps the gaming industry going, what keeps them being creative and also what keeps them in check. imagine games would only be released for Microsoft. there would be no need to make better games, all we would get is half-assed games and yeah we would buy them because there would be nothing better. and i don't mean to hate on Microsoft here, the same would be true for Sony or Nintendo. I also don't like not being able to play Alan Wake or other cool xbox-exclusives, but i'm sure glad that Sony keeps trying to be better than Microsoft and vice versa, because that is why we get games like these.
Offer the same kind of challenge the old games had to offer and i am so down with this. one thing that could really make this fail if it is too easy. in the demo the smaller demons didn't even attack Kratos, they were just standing still and the big guy wasn't good at bringing the pain either. but it's just a demo after all. Also one thing they should stick with is the gore. Ripping apart enemies consisting of golden body fluids isn't quite the same thing.
Very cool 1st impression. Gotta say that beard definitely triggered some homo-erotic feelings here, much appreciation for that!!! And please don't interpret too much people, this doesn't even have a release date yet, so you can't really say which direction this is taken, except that it looks more mature than previous God of War games (which btw i also very much loved the crap out of). I think it's a good thing, but you know, let's wait and see.
@johnny0779: as a huge fan of the 1st 3 parts i disagree, i'm very excited for this. God of War 3 was the perfect hack-and-slash, it was gorgeous, it was brutal, it was gory, it was challenging (escpecially on Chaos) it did what the 1st 2 games did and made it even better, it was a high point, a finale. After that i was very satisfied with God of War being done, ending in such an amazing game. I think that's why i never tried Ascension. There was no point to it for me. It couldn't possibly be better than 3 and since 3 was kinda the ending to Kratos' story so i passed. If another hack-.and-slash would now be released for GOW on ps4 i would probably get it, simply because of ps4-graphics and because 3 is a good while back, but i gotta say i'm way more excited about this. I was considerably younger when i played the 1st god of war on ps2 and it feels very fitting that the game has gotten more mature aswell. Of course i want action and rip dudes apart and be drenched in their blood (so much for mature i guess) but if i don't mind the new direction this is taking story-wise. And the gameplay looks good too.
If it has different difficulty levels and the option to turn off waypoints it's a day 1 purchase for me. I hate how waypoints squander beautiful landscapes like these, but everything else sounds and looks nice so far. Also open-world games always tend to be a bit too easy, so a "hard" difficulty would be much appreciated.
@hystavito: it was ps+. i couldn't quite get into it and ended up deleting it though. i like stealth games, but it felt like the mechanics were a bit outdated. i would love the ability to reenter stealth (like in the last of us) once spotted. that makes for more fun than constantly reloading a checkpoint and it brings more variety (e.g. guards take new routes). there should of course still be a trophy/achievement (or in-game reward?) for making it through unseen for hardcore players.
@Itzsfo0: i'm pretty sure VR will establish itself over time. it is after all the dream of 80s and 90s gamers and has been an idea for just as long. now the technology is finally at the point where these things actually get made, and most of all: there's a market for it. probably mainly porn users ;) but a handful of gamers aswell. so i don't think it will turn out like the mini-disc did :D Personally i think it's a bit early thinking about future consoles. while the ps4/xone are out for several years now it took a long time to build a descent game library and 2015 was the 1st year i bought a new game for my ps4, because previously all there was (for my taste) were remasters and indie-games, which are cool on their own but do not really show you what your ps4/xone can do. and now 2016 seems to be the year where those consoles have finally "arrived" with a sick lineup of games that all make use of the technologies of the current consoles and wanna show you how beautiful they are. The same is probably happening with the VR. There's nothing on the VR right now where i would say that i definitely have to play/see it. Of course it interests me and if i get the chance to try it i will, but i don't feel i'm missing out. It's when big VR-exclusive titles come out that i will more than raise an eyebrow.
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