well i can see that what she writes is true, but still....who cares? last of us made me care for the protagonist much more than any game has ever done before. the character expressions are superb and let u really get a sense of how those people feel. the eyewatering intro (yes i'm a dude), joel's facial expression when henry kills himself (!!!!!!!), the moment joel realizes tess is infected and tess' reaction in particular. there is so much good acting in this game and finding a way to bind that into a compelling story IN A VIDEOGAME is hard. also the story is so dark towards the end and is constantly asking is it good or bad what these people do? is it bad that a tormented marlene reluctantly agreed to sacrifice ellie for the greater good? is it bad that joel lied to ellie in the end to protect her life? or that he shoots marlene? there r no answers to that, and that's part of what makes this story great and why it keeps haunting u after u finish the game.
people were so excited about bioshock infinite's story, and while i really love that game and have been looking forward to it since it has been announced i wasn't as excited or compelled by the story as i am with the last of us. bioshock infinte had a good story for a videogame, that's it. nothing that i haven't seen before in a movie a tv-series. most games do not offer u a story like that so that's why it stands out of course. on the other hand the last of us didn't really show anything new either but the acting was so superb and lifelike it made the experience. in bioshock the only person u cared about was elizabeth and all her facial expressions where basically made from her big eyes. she was more like a comic character (though the voice acting was superb too). but u didn't care about booker much, probably the disadvantage of being a firstperson-game, since u practically never see his face. in the last of us almost all characters were interesting and i was really really enjoying each cutscene. and when summer ended and henry just shot himself in front of me it really got to me, and i had to stop playing and go to bed to reflect. and that kinda stuff is great.
i don't understand why they would choose a 1st person view for this kind of game. wouldn't it be much more logical to have a 3rd person view in terms of accuracy and such for a game which main mechanic is 'free' running? i hate jumping and climbing in 1st person games because i can never see where my feet are.
however good it's gonna be it's probably gonna suck the 1st time u watch it because of all the expectations u have by playing the games. and the voices/voiceactors r a really big part of the uncharted world, so not having drake's and especially elena's and sully's voice is gonna be a big killer to the feel of uncharted. elena's voice actress looks basically just like her, so i don't know if she can act but there's an idea...
also they should definitely lose the pyromancy flame (from the looks of the demo they did too, since that sorcerer is using his staff/catalyst to cast a fire spell). giving everyone that easy access to magic (and such powerful magic) without building any stats towards magic is ridiculous. i like it in dark souls and use it on a lot of characters, but it's just way too powerful. or maybe not lose the flame but make it behave like a catalyst by giving it magic adjust based on intelligence (or a new stat for pyromancers)
@vash_xD ye and the fact that the only one who drops it was a freaking dual katana-black phantom ;) (soulsucker!)
but ye totally man, even after all these patches i still like dark souls A LOT. simply because it's unlike everything else u can play. demon's souls was darker and more grim (grimmer?) tho.
@Play-Pretend i don't have any trouble playing with friends at all. just sign somewhere else than where everyone signs. under a staircase or behind a certain wall and not in front of the bonfire. sometimes it takes up to 5 min but once u summoned ur friend once it'll be easier to find him again (if u don't sign out of psn)
RaveNRolla's comments