i absolutely love the look of this game. but if it really is just a walking sim it's not for me, even if the story sounds interesting. as far as censoring is concerned, which also is applied in my home country, i'm glad i live near the border.
@slurpee4206: it's honestly a one playthrough then shelf kinda deal. there's no real replayability in the new god of war, except for beating the hardest difficulty. i played it on "challenge" and now again on "god of war", and so far it plays out the same. i'm not sure wether the treasure contents are randomized, so you can get different runic attacks each playthrough (like bonecharms in dishonored), that would be kind of cool.
that being said, that 1st playthrough is long and tons of fun (and also frustration, if you decide to not always have the best possible gear equipped, because that means one-shots everywhere), and i did not regret paying full price.
@naughtydog94: oh yes, U3's MP was soooo much better than U4. the down-state/healing was just a very very bad idea for a fast-pace shooter like uncharted. Story-wise they're all good games, but i personally also like u2 and 3 better than u4.
@mrgorgun: not a fan either. give me a good linear game with some nice exploring and good pacing (think Bioshock or Dead Space) over open-world any day.
@ahsanh: true, the only really succesful sportgames in europe are the 2 major football games FIFA and PES. i stopped playing them a long time ago (ps2-era) but they still release each year and i know quite a few people that play them regularly. a goldmine, if you think about it. they basically release the same game every year with some minor additions and people go ahead and buy it (sort of like call of duty).
(WARNING! this comment does not contain any pointless whining about review scores)
good game, good challenging gameplay, good exploring, good character development, mostly boring bosses (definitely compared to older god of wars) apart from the valkyries which were the best bosses i fought in quite some time, as they just seem very balanced.
two things disappointed me:
- Your overall level number matters way more than it should (e.g. you get a cool axe pommel early on that gives all stats +5, but it only counts as level 2, so using a level 4 pommel, that only gives one stat +2 will make you deal more damage and receive less damage and make it possible to block and parry previously unblockable/unparriable enemies, because your overal level rises when you equip it. this applies to all equipment. very poor design choice in my opinion.)
- Kratos' journey from Greece is never explained, apart from "i needed a new start", which i found very sad. Kratos has sunk Greece into ruin in gow3 and i sure would have loved some anecdotes about that.
RaveNRolla's comments