south-american jungle theme is a hundred times more attractive to me than snowy russia, so that's nice! i hope they are giving the collectibles a good overhaul. either make less of them or make them have actual gameplay benefits. rise of the tomb raider's pacing was so off, you had these tight story sections that were good, but inbetween you were racing across the current (and previous) maps for hours to cross off collectibles. maybe they find a way to make the game more linear (which i personally would appreciate), with some breathing room every once in a while, but mostly more action.
definitely keep the tombs (rise had about the right number i'd say), maybe make weapons a bit more customizable (instead of the relatively simple level up from powerless to a more powerful gun). Oh and definitely keep that unique dodge move!!!
@alexngwl: the coins are mostly for the blacksmith and i think it'll only become important if you're in for the long haul (multiple ng+ cycles), once you reached max level weapons.
@creaturecomfort: i agree. the game is growing on me fast. not so sure about the lore or if i even understand what's happening (mostly how does Kelley get in the good graces of the 2nd biggest warlord in Japan so fast?). I'm nearing the end and i finally got down who that oda nabunaga (peacock-dude) is. he's the original warlord that tried to unite the country, which oddly enough became clear to me through one of those dual boss fights, because he's teamed up with frost lady, which was his lover before he died.
the gameplay is superb. i did all of the missions along the way and i'm now what i think is the final mission (beat the Snake and Kelley and got the divine weapons and the credits with that super awful and cheesy song). in this last region i'm all of a sudden 30 levels below recommendation, even though that was never the case before in the story. guess it won't matter that much with these level 150 weapons i got. bosses tend to one/two-shot me anyway.
i finally got this game and it's awesome! how awesome precisely? well, i preordered god of war and got it on friday and it's still sealed, that's how awesome.
(also, playing two fighting games at the same time doesn't really work well, because of muscle memory.)
oh man these braindead gamespot users (to those who are not, you know who you are)... why am i even still reading these comments??? it feels like a few years ago you could actually find nice people hear to talk about, well, games. now EVERY SINGLE REVIEW: numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, interesting comment, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers.
i know all of you just want some feedback and someone that connects to you, but you can far more easily achieve that by just asking something about the game's content, like how is this and that realized, how do you do this and that or giving your own opinions about the game's content (and not stupid numbers) and you might just spark an interesting conversation with someone.
Oh man, all of these reviews pretty much scream "this game sucks, but i really really wanted it to be good, so i'm just gonna say it has the potential of becoming good in the future" curious, that all reviewers really seem to crave a pirate game. other games that would launch like this wouldn't get such a hopeful review.
maybe i'm missing something. is the developer known like naughty dog, in the way that it's impossible that they would do anything wrong?
"Fun" is also very subjective. i think the point of games as a consumer-product is that they keep you motivated/interested. Movies like "the lovely bones" aren't fun to watch, but it's the tension that keeps you motivated, keeps you watching. you would say it's a "good" movie, but you wouldn't say it's a "fun" movie. This applies to games as well. i recently started Nioh, and i love this type of game (strong gameplay, melee combat, challenging levels and bosses) and i came across a boss who killed me 10 times before i finally beat him. I most certainly did not experience fun after the 5th try (especially since i almost killed him the 1st time), i was starting to get frustrated and rushing by the enemies to get to the bossfight again. but by dying so many times i learned how to beat him and that kept me motivated. this just as an excerpt, overall i would definitely call that game "fun" though. but that's my opinion.
RaveNRolla's comments