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Raven1983 Blog

I will show the world what's inside my heart and be loved for who I am

hey everyone......what's up? I'm still up even though I should be in bed ( and no it's my usual 4am blog, it's actually going on six am). I can't sleep though cause stupid me is overthinking about stupid sh!t again. No I'm not gonna talk about it cause it's not worth it. It won't help anything and I'll still end up overthinking again the next day. And if I try to go to bed now,I'm just gonna stare at the ceiling. so Yeah...I don't care if I'm up all night and go to work as brainless as the rest of the people I work with....hell at least I'd have an excuse. so..uh..yeah...wish me luck driving.

ANyway....enough of my rambling...I'll retreat back to my corner to be unseen after this.

I got tagged with the five facts about yourself. I"m not tagging anyone, I have before and well on another site, my friend's friend got a bit defensive and I don't even know the damn idiot. Anyway...I've tried here and people have gotten all defensive as well. So if you wanna go ahead and do this then go ahead and say I tagged ya...other thn that..I'm not giving names but I will give facts that you may or may not already know.

1. I have a habit of picking at my lips so much I make them bleed (not a nervous or bored habit either, something I do and no realize I'm doing it)

2. My back has been hurting for two days now..reason still unknown

3. I need to stop eating chocolate before bed...gives me weird dreams

4. I hate when people call cussing or swearing "cursing"

5. I think swearing is a necessary thing.....who cares if it's "unlady like"

what color do you need?

You Need Some Black in Your Life

Black will make you feel powerful, in control, and not bound to what other people think of you.
And with a little black, you will project a aura of mystery, rebellion, and dominance.
If you want people to respect you, you've got to get a little black in your life!

For extra punch: Combine black with orange or red

The downside of black: People won't be able to "read" you - and may perceive you as more aggressive than you actually are

The consequences of more black in your life:

You'll become a figure of intrigue and speculation
You'll be better prepared for life's unknown path
You'll rest better and free yourself of expectations

That last part is gonna be a bit of a challenge.

so uhh.......yeah......I guess I'm gonna try and get some sleep. cause it doen't matter wether or not I get 4 hours or none....either way I'm still going to work completely brainless from lack of sleep anyway.

When I say shotgun, you say wedding...


Hey y'all. how is everyone today? I'm alright so far.

Went to this warehouse kinda club thing Saturday night....my sister wanted to go so I'd figure I'd check it out too. We ended up leaving about two hours later. The music was good but I was bored. Within the first half hour there, some idiots start a mosh pit and I get kicked in the ankle though....I'm alright though, I was still able to walk the next day. I found out it was a good thing we left when we did too (ah the perks of being the driver, we leave when I wanna leave) cause shortly after a few fights broke out and they had to call the police. They Maced a lot of people and a lot of others including my sister's friend were hospitalized. When I heard that I didn't feel like such a party pooper anymore. I felt as though I made a good call.

I found out that that was the second time this month that the police had to be called to to break up a fight and so much mace was used people thought it was coming from the ceiling. I haVe no plans of going back there.....and my sister is no longer allowed to go there either. but amazingly she understands why.

I took my laptop to Best Buy today to see if Geek Squad can help me with the cord/plug problem. and they can't....they gave me a Dell hot line number and I may have to give up without my computer for a little bit. Not too long i hope. I should get on calling'em :/ I just don't wanna give up my laptop...I don't have a back up so I'd go crazy without it. What a dilemma :|

What color is your mind

My mind is purple (yay, my favorite color). Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.


Nothing compares, NOthing compares........to you

Hey y'all......What's up? Nothing here.

Family's over and dogs are barking.....just the usual Saturday. I tried to sleep and the dog just kept barking and barking and one dog was scratching at the door, damn near knocking it down. :/ We think another one of our dogs may be going through the same thing that caused us to put our Greyhound to sleep:( She's sleeping all day and looks like she's in so much pain. We gotta keep Bandit away from her....we may change his name from Bandit to Monster the way he's been this week. Baxter was so terrified he followed me into the bathroom and stayed in there while I took a shower.

I preordered what looks to be the coolest game for the DS....well next to the phantom hourglass anyway. it's Guitar Hero on Tour......yes Guitar Hero for the DS. I want is so bad...I just have to wait for the summer to get it. It'll be worth the wait though. Till then I have to keep going at Zelda though I had to teach myself to roll again with the stylus:P

As I type now, my uncle and sister are playing a Disturbed cd. My mom hates it of course....then again my mom for some reason just doesn't like music all together. I still can't figure out why she doesn't like 'em.....They're awesome. :/ She's the only one here that doesn't like the kind of music that me and my sister like....well her and my brother

What kind of Easter Egg are you?

You Are a Flowery Egg

Fresh, funky, and well dressed.

hehe this one is cute.


Oh yeah...and I work tomorrow so Happy Easter to y'all

my destination's unclear cause I know the party's whereever I am

HA! I wish :P

anyway, I've returned with another cute story not of work.

I had to pick up something from my mom's cl@ssroom today and almost came home with a kid :| :P

The first kid to talk to me asks me who I am so I tell him that his teacher is my mom and I could see the look, this kid had fallen in love with me. :P sweet kid though......a bit too young :lol: he's only six.

Then this little girl....the one who almost came home with me....is blind as well. She is cute as a button. She holds on to my leg as I'm tallking to one of my mom's aides and then when my mom tries to grab her hand, she pulls away and tells her she doesn't like her anymore :lol: Kids do say the funniest stuff sometimes. They call her "Siphy" at least I think that's how it's spelled I don't know. so I gave her a hug (she likes hugs :P ) and let my mom take her again so I could leave and not disrupt the cl@ss anymore.

That was such an amusing story:P wasn't it?

My mom also thought that since today is St Patrick's day that I'd forget to wear green. Riiiiiiight. I live in a family of pinchers....soooooooooo not taking the risk.

What are the colors of your heart?

Your Heart is Red and Orange

Your heart is enthusiastic and optimistic.
You are creative, witty, and brilliant.
You bring levity and happiness to relationships.
You're good at loving people for who they are.


In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby

Happy Ides of March everyone.

How is everyone? I'm doing good so far. Just sitting around the house while my uncle and stepdad do what they do best on Saturdays........Drink:| and looking at old pictures of me on my parents laptop. This was before I got contact lenses and big plastic frames were the thing to have.. Ah the good ol' days....those ones I wouldn't go back to though.....I like my contacts even thoughhe ones I have in now aren't the right prescription. (they're the only pair I have though)

Funniest thing happened today on my way to Walmart:P I was singing the song by Jewel "Who Will Save Your Soul?" and it got to the part where in the end that goes "Who will saaaaaa-e-aaaaaaaave Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sooouullll" and I looked over at the car next to me and I had an audience. The guy in the vehicle next to me had a funny but happy looking grin.....rather creepy if ya ask me though:P

So that's it so far....I'm hoping my family goes out tonight leaving me with the house to myself.

Oh yeah, I ended up going to work yesterday:S it wasn't bad though...I had an easy day. Mgr even said I deserved it.

How green are you?

You Are Emerald Green
Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.


It's the beginning of the end

hey everyone....I had a pretty good day. but I'm thinking about calling off tomorrow....I dunno. Even though I had a good day, I still feel like something is wrong and only one song can describe it. and yes it's an Avril Lavigne song Get over it already, I like it

The title is this song Dr. Online

Shamrock Personality QUiz


What Your Shamrock Says About You
You are balanced, nurturing, and sympathetic. You understand people and love to help them.

At times, you get too involved with what's going on in other people's lives. It's hard to remove yourself.

You consider yourself a lucky person. Luck always seems to be on your side. (HA! Yeah right :roll: )

You are stylish, in a cl@$sic sort of way. You are particular about how you like things.


Talk to y'all tomorrow morning......maybe

Just 10 more minutes..Pleeeeaaaasssee mommy "Zzzzzzzzzz"

Hey y'all. no song again.....This is what I say when my alarm goes off in the morning and if I stay in bed any longer I actually will go back to sleep. Actually it's one of a few things said upon waking up....usually it's "Is it Saturday yet?"and in most cases, sadly, it isn't. I'm just glad most of the people around my house are gone when I wake up...THat means no one will try and talk to me then get mad when I don't respond or I do and they don't hear me.

Bandit is getting bigger and fluffier:P He's still an ankle biter though. Specially in the mornng so we all have to be careful if we're not wearing socks. I have jeans that are frayed at the bottoms so he's always going after the loose strings on them:P The other dogs still don't like him though. oh well they'll get over it. Baxter gets so jealous you have to pet him first before you go to Bandit and we cant' let them both out at the same time:/ I still miss our greyhound though....no other dog can ever replace him.

It's still said that all 3 dogs still have our personalities:

Baxter is like my sister......always has to be in control. Bandit is actually more like my brother (Spot used to be like him) only the reason is this time he doesn't stop when told to......oh yeah so like him. Priscilla is said to be like me......Snooty and stuff like that. which i think is far from me, She's more like my stepdad. He can't say one thing unless it's somethign smartassed or mean. I hate it too....I seriously just wanna tell him to grow up.

I love this one


Your kisses are like pearls so different so rare

Hiiiiiiiii.....How are y'all tonight?

I had an amusing day. Me and this other girl dealt with a bunch of new hires. One got snippy when she was told to get off her phone while she was behind the line. She says "Don't treat me like I"m a little girl" Me and the girl she said it to (Sarah) looked at each other like "if you're gonna act like one then you're gonna get treated like one" :roll:

THen two other ones were complaining bout actually having to work......I finally said to 'em both "ya know, y'all complain too much. If you spent half the time you take whining and crying to do some work, then you're work would be done and you wouldn't have to do this" But hey what do I know? yeah I got the look like I'm the stupid one. Seriously all Me and Sarah heard from these idiots was "whine whine whine, cry cry crey, *answer phone in front of customers beacuse it's such an important call :roll: * B!tch b!tch b!tch, cry some more , "I'm so stupid I don't know how to multitask" " They'd be screwed if all the good people weren't around to show 'em how to do their job.......I so wanna hide and laugh at the morons when that happens.

oh yeah and I'm not complaining.....I'm actuallly in a good mood.

Then I don't know how some of 'em can stand their pants halfway down their asses. My pants already fall half way down my ass and I hate it. I pull 'em up and they fall again. I want to go up to those that do that and pull 'em up too.

And speaking of $tyle when I have kids, they are NOT, I repeat, NOT owning a pair of Heelies, Ugg boots, or Garden clogs. Uggs and Clogs...the fact that they are so ugly is reason enough. I don't know how parents subject their kids to such horrible shoes or why. Heelies: Shoes with wheels.....No. are kids that lazy that they can't walk anymore, they gotta roll around :/

Then I figured out how these new hires got to be so lazy....they get to work in all the easy areas where they get to sit on thier asses. The ones that actually work...still gotta work our asses off while they sit and twiddle their thumbs. Now I think it should be the other way around....I mean the hard workers deserve a break too. How the hell do new people get it so easy? GEEZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing I do have to thank them for and probably the only thing is that they have made me not sit back and watch anymore...Thanks to them, I've learned to take a stand and fight back. I got sick of sitting there ignoring it...I'm tired of that sh!t and the mgrs arent' doing anything, so we have to.......okay okay I knwo....I need a new job again.

Knock yourself out, but not too hard

What An Iris Says About You
You are incredibly hopeful and courageous.
Even when you've been challenged in life, you have faith that everything will work out.
Your feelings run deep, and you are a very grateful person.


and he's not quite hip but in his own mind he's the dopest trip

Time for a new blog I guess:P so....

Hey y'all. How are you? I'm good. Couldn't sleep last night when I tried to go to bed at 3 am, so I didn't go to bed till almost 6 am because I was up again watching a movie. My favorite movie: Mary Poppins. Yes a disney movie...but it's a clas$ic. I know it's a child's movie but oh well.....I like it. Although I'd rather be unperfect...than perfect and of course I'm unperfect. It says so in that little poem thingy in my blog header. Bleh..I'm getting off topic. Anyway there is a dress in the movie.....and I don't wear dresses, maybe once a year at most,.....that I absolutely love. I just dunno where I'd wear it if I owned it.

 Only thing I don't like about it is the hat. Love the parasol too.

So St Patricks Day......coming in less then 2 weeks. Anybody got any plans? Even though I don't work that day, I still have no plans. I'm just gonna be sitting around at home and my stepdad will most likely be having green beer. I gotta make sure I wear green too. Some of my family are the kind that pinch ya if you don't. :/ ah, the perks of being part Irish. my parents even might go out...I can only hope..that way i get to be so lame, I get the house to myself to do............well, nothing but what I don't already do.

I'm getting told I need to take shorter showers AGAIN!!!!! I take 20 minute showers....there are two ways to cut it down, both of 'em bad bad bad (did I mention bad?) ideas. I can either not wash my hair every day, which is the majority of my showers. So not happening. I need to wash my hair everyday or all day the next day it's insanely and annoyingly greasy. Option two is wash only my hair......I don't need to explain why that's a bad idea. y'all already know why. I would hope anyway.

I can never do anything to give them a happy medium *sigh* Oh well.....enough of my rambling for one day.

(and my dumb ass almost lost this entire blog....good thing for the wordpad :P )

this one should be amusing


You Are Fairly Normal

You scored 45% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...
But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

When you're in a car, you prefer to be the driver

You think fishnet stockings are trashy

You'd rather have rats than cockroaches in your home

You would rather be an astronaut than a movie star

You would eat meat from a cloned animal

Why You Aren't Normal:

You are no longer with your first love

You prefer the moon to the sun

You find the Chicken Dance to be the more embarrassing dance

You don't keep up with your horoscope

You rather screw someone over than be screwed over (depends on the person really...)


This was an odd one...oh well...can't get 'em all I guess.

oh well enough of my rambling....BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

this is for my girls all around the world

yeah it's the Christina Aguilera song "Can't hold us down" Good song, the video irriatates me. specially the part where she all beats the guy for grabbing her ass. I mean yeah I'd do the same thing but ya honestly can't say she didn't do it to herself too by wearing those tiny ass booty shorts. :roll:

Kinda ironic to talk about respect when you're all dressed like a hoe, right? eh maybe i'm just speaking out of the fact that I can't pull off booty shorts even if I wanted to. Cause I know I don't have the figure for it. If I did, I still wouldn't wear 'em...in fact I haven't worn shorts in years actually. I wear jeans year round....Totally irrelevant to the point though, but y'all get my point.

anyway...enough rambling on that. How are y'all? i'm just sitting here coloring a paisley design my mom printed for me. soooooooo many tiny details and all but I'm sure it'll come out pretty. While I'm doing this I'm just listening to my family Wii Bowl...so hopefully I'll have time to get this blog out before I completely lose my internet.

Found out today that my friend's brother got evicted about 3 weeks ago and that him and his GF tried to get him to live with them. I don't blame him for not doing it. No one likes this girl and his brother has been told that he can do better. I feel sorry he got evicted but even though I don't know the girl, I beleive he can do better too. but it's like they say "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" Whatcha gonna do right? I'm told though he's not completly homeless, they may have found a trailer park....it's better then nothing *shrug*

Not a coffee drinker, but what the hell

You Are an Espresso

At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping

Your caffeine addiction level: high

well they got my caffeine addiction level right :P