hey y'all....what's new? nothing much here....Just got done putting in an new belly ring:P Got a 3 pack for five dollars and in three colors.....I put the yellow one in in case you were curious.
Anyway..How has everyone been doing? I've been alright....wanted to strangle people (almost everyone) yesterday. Had to play Supergrrrl again and fix the problems of the workers not making customers happy. Sooooooo I gotta be the one to fix it:/ of course. I ended up going home and writing out a wall of rants..any rant that popped in my head and no I'm not gonna reread it. My friend said he'd do that on Sunday:p Hope he has fun cause it's literally a wall of rants coming from different directions. but yeah it helped somewhat.
I've been reading a lot lately too......I finished reading Stephen King's "Duma Key". good and somewhat scary book.....would make a scary ass movie that's for sure. It'd be one I'd go see.
My arm has been hurting too.....pain has somewhat subsided today thankfully.
I think that's all for now.
Quizzie" When it comes to love, you definitely have your own take on things.
You love and hurt like everyone else, but your expectations and rules are different.
It may make it hard for you to feel understood. People don't really get where you're coming from.
Why You Are Normal in Love
You are normal because you think it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.
You are normal because you believe a long distance relationship can work.
Why You Aren't Normal in Love
You are abnormal because you first fell in love when you were 19 or older.
You are abnormal because you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend after you were 14."
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