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Raven1983 Blog

They call me "Cinderella"..all you have to do is yell

How are y'all? I'm doing great on this very warm day. Too warm for me. oh well.

I'm hoping the problem with our carpenter bees will be solved soon. My stepdad is supposed to call the exterminator today...I really do hope they come out soon. I really hate 'em.....like I said, they don't sting but they still fall under the bee family so they're still scary.

I thing that's all for now:P I had more but I can't rememer what it is :lol:

The Gemstone Test

" You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.
People turn to you first for leadership and advice.
You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.
And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy."


Is there a word or right to say even in this old fashioned way?

Hey y'all....How are you? I'm good just listening to my family do what they do best...nag at me about everything I do and don't do.

FInally got the oil changed in my car....I was about a year and a half over due. I came home from that expecting a cake celebrating that cause that's one of the things I was being nagged bout. I mean yeah I suck with car maintenance....f*****g sue me :roll:......I got home after that and it became about how I spend MY....as in MINE....money. The money that I, ME, work for.....I think I can spend it how I so please :/

What kind of names do you like?

" You like names that are from the past but becoming modern again.
Names with a strong history are very appealing to you.

You're a big believer in giving children very adult sounding names.
You're not a fan of nicknames or newfangled spellings.

Some female names you might like: Audrey, Emma, Fiona, Georgia, Isabelle, Naomi, Rosemary, and Veronica

Some male names you might like: Brendan, Colin, Ethan, Jared, Kenneth, Martin, and Nathaniel"


Pull yourself by the fire, son and the morning will come soon

Hey y'all...how are you? I'm good, woke up in a bit of an I-don't-care mood but it's not really a bad one. It's more along the lines of I don't care if my half twisty little pigtail things are uneven. I don't care if I don't wear my Medical bracelet today cause it's driving me nuts so i'll wear it tomorrow. I don't care if I go back to bed even though it's 2:30 in the afternoon.

It seems as though I'll have the house to myself:P everyone else is sitting out side enoying the hot, hot, very hot weather. I'll be inside enjoying the coolness of the house and being lazy like I always do on my days off:P

I must be allergic to this day cause I've done nothing but sneeze since i got up

I think that's all for now..

Fight or Flight?

" You rather leave then deal with a dangerous or uncomfortable situation.
You can't deal with too much drama or stress. It's really hard for you to cope.

You are easily scared, freaked out, or intimidated.
And while it's good to be prudent, not everything may be as freaky as it seems!"


There will be no white flag above my door...I'm in love and always will be

Hey y'all...How are ya? I gotta hurry my internet is being a retard Part of is was cause the Wii was messing with the damn connection...I hate that a lot and wish it didn't do that. The other part is that my internets just been retarded lately.

I tried to rent National Treasure 2 today.....why the hell did I think that was possible? It's a new release and a good one from what I hear. Soooo of course I couldn't get it today...hopefully one day.

I was walkign all over work yesterday...i got home and my body just hurt. I started off at Quizno's A, then had to go to Detroit to Go, then back to Quiznos A then over to Grab and Go A, back to quiznos, I was later sent over to Quiznos B to get something for the A side, ten minutes later had to go back to B again to get something for A, BACK to Detroit to go to cover someone's lunch, Back to Quiznos B later that night to get something that goes to Detroit To Go. (getting dizzy yet? yeah me too)

Another long titled quiz?

" You aren't greedy, but you don't really deprive yourself either. You strike a good balance with the stuff you buy.

You are a very thrifty person. You don't like to waste money... or food.

You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily.

You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it.

You are likely single - and a workaholic."

That last line is the biggest lie ever...I am not single and I sure as hell ain't a workaholic.


He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman

hey y'alll...how are you? I'm great today. Had an amusing day so far...course everyday is becoming amusing one way or another anymore.

I had to go to the mall today and I was playing on this Reactrix screen they have, I don't care if it's for children, I was having fun dammit. anyway this woman about my age laughs and tells me she thinks it's so much fun too. My favorite on it is this popcorn bowl full of kernals and when you step on the screen it pops :P But we got to talking about how tv now sucks and how cartoons are now badly drawn and how we miss really good tv. She works at Best Buy putting away tv shows on DVD and she saw some that aren't on tv anymore..

Then I had to get my nail fixed...my favorite question came up...."how did you break it?" I feel stupid enough to I give the nail technician an "it's an embarrassing, stupid story" grin and tell him what happened. I hit my hand on a door, that's how it broke. Then I get told not to hit the door again, for me that's impossible. it's something that's always gonna happen just because it's me. The doors are also there for me to be klutzy but that's alright:P

Are you sweet or salty?

" You Are a Sweet Person

When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza.

There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)... ( :lol: Last I checked I was)
Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women.

Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart.
You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat."

BYEEEEE!!!!! (Hiiiii Ashley:P )

Don't say it's over, I just can't say goodbye

hey y'all...what's going on?

Got up a bit later than I usually do on my days off....I'm usually up by noon and I woke up to find a dog laying on me at 12:45(welll actually he was kissing my face:P but for some reason this morning [afternoon I should say] I didn't mind). Then me and my sister were howling and whining at Baxter trying to get him to do the same thing. It was so cute, he started pawing and covering his ears as to say "Stop that, you're making my ears bleed" :lol: He's a sweet dog when Bandit isn't turning him into a crabby old one:P

had to get some new earpeices for my laptop too. The other ones that my friend gave me were hanging by a speaker. I lost the cover speaker to the other one and found it on my bed when I FINALLY made it when I got up (I got tired of the sheets hanging off the side.) No big name brand really, I just got a pair of Koss's with a cool spinn-y case for 'em. I just had to laugh at my old pair...they were so pathetic looking.

What kind of cereal are you?

" You Are Cheerios

Like other Cheerios eaters, you want to be a responsible adult.
But you can't help but still be a kid at heart!

You try to make good decisions. You're a clean cut, conscientious person.
You're the type of person who would never skip breakfast. ( :lol: I'm never up in time for breakfast.)

Part of you thinks that breakfast is too important to miss...
But a bigger part of you knows it's too fun to miss!"


I love you when you dance in your free stylin' trance...soooo pure

Hey y'all....how are you?

My doctors appointment went well.......I guess. I was told everything I've been told for a while now. All but "you need to lose weight" (finally :roll: ) That one got tiring fast. It all is actually....I'm tired of being told I need a dietician and I'm tired of being told I need to start attending nutrition cla$$es that they're not telling me about. (They say they are.....bunch of f**king liars) But yeah...I finally got more insulin today so I guess I can get back into a routine again and stop dropping so much weight (not that it's a bad thing but the way I've been losing it, it wasn't good)

I'm down to a four day work week (and I didn't take any days off). so now i have Thursday (PAYDAY!!!! YAY!!!), Saturday, and Monday. I'm not complaining although I should. I think this will be an easier start to finding something better. I'll have more days to convince myself to get off my ass and start looking........eventually :/ (I'm such a procrastinator)

How Independant are you?

Your Independence Level: High

You are extremely self reliant and autonomous.
You are definitely into doing your own thing.
But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it.
You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly.


The Wheel in the sky keeps on turning, no, I don't know where I'll be tomorrow

Hey everyone. Today's the day *with fake enthusiasm* I'm gonna get more insulin. I'm trying to stay away from what i normally eat so I do somewhat decent at the appointment. It's hard though....cutting all that out leaves me with nothing to eat and I'm kinda hungry.

I've come upon a nifty discovery. When I'm at work, I'm not happy when I have one set area. I like a bunch of little things to do throught out the day.....makes the day go by faster and I don't get in trouble (like everyone else did last night just for laughing and having fun :P ). But when the time came to leave (early too YAY....that was real enthusiasm now), this one girl looked at me and gave me instant attitude about not helping anyone else out cause "they always stay and help me out" :roll: no problem there though, I just calmly looked at her and went through what I did for everyone so they weren't there all night and left before she could say anything.

I've only been there over a year.......o' course the people UNDER me have to tell me how to do my job :roll: morons

Too lazy to type out whole title of quiz

" Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.
You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. (I guess this line could be true......maybe)

You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.
In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.

You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.
You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you."

(LOVE this one)


Fear is only in our minds and it's taking over all the time

Hey everyone. How are ya? I'm good.

I have a good feeling about this week. I only work three days which will give me time away from the dumb sh!ts that are supposed to be "co-workers". I"m so sick of the drama and the bullsh!t from 'em. ANYWAY, I only have 3 days cause I have a doctor's appointment for my diabetes this week and they gave me the wrong day off. At first I freaked out and thought "these people are morons". I thought about it in the shower and I decided that instead of fixing the problem, I'm gonna take advantage of it and just call off and take the Thursday off too. This is prolly the most brilliant mistake ever made.

I'm gonna be honest right now....I haven't been doing so well on the diabetic "taking care of myself" thing. I haven't had insulin for almost two months and I'm not exactly the healthiest eater. I'm hearing "oh it looks like you lost weight" but cause of my avoidance of any scale possible...I'd never know. If I am losing weight, it's only because I haven't had any insulin, a process call Ketosis.......not really a good thing. so yeah wish me luck and hope the doc doens't strangle me.

I wanna see the movie "Dont' Mess With The Zohan" :P it looks funny.

The Priority Test

" For you, vanity is usually your number one priority.

You don't mind having things to get done... as long as they don't pile up on you.

You have trouble giving time to any of your priorities. You life is too busy and chaotic.

You want thinking to be a high priority, but you don't take enough time for yourself."

Everything is WAY off:/


Run away with me to another place where we can rely on each other

hey y'all....what's new? nothing much here....Just got done putting in an new belly ring:P Got a 3 pack for five dollars and in three colors.....I put the yellow one in in case you were curious.

Anyway..How has everyone been doing? I've been alright....wanted to strangle people (almost everyone) yesterday. Had to play Supergrrrl again and fix the problems of the workers not making customers happy. Sooooooo I gotta be the one to fix it:/ of course. I ended up going home and writing out a wall of rants..any rant that popped in my head and no I'm not gonna reread it. My friend said he'd do that on Sunday:p Hope he has fun cause it's literally a wall of rants coming from different directions. but yeah it helped somewhat.

I've been reading a lot lately too......I finished reading Stephen King's "Duma Key". good and somewhat scary book.....would make a scary ass movie that's for sure. It'd be one I'd go see.

My arm has been hurting too.....pain has somewhat subsided today thankfully.

I think that's all for now.


" When it comes to love, you definitely have your own take on things.
You love and hurt like everyone else, but your expectations and rules are different.
It may make it hard for you to feel understood. People don't really get where you're coming from.

Why You Are Normal in Love

You are normal because you think it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.

You are normal because you believe a long distance relationship can work.

Why You Aren't Normal in Love

You are abnormal because you first fell in love when you were 19 or older.

You are abnormal because you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend after you were 14."
