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Raven1983 Blog

will you bite the hand that feeds you?

Happy Fourth of July to those that live in the US.

How are y'all today? I'm good.....I got off work early cause we were slow. So I sat with my family, grandparents and cousin's wife with their baby boy. every one is outside with the fireworks now...and the dogs are scared sh!tless. (of course, they're scared..they're such babies....two dogs so far have crawled into my lap and buries their heads..even the dog that doesn't come to any of us. And Baxter let my grandma pet him :| he runs from her). I even got a few pictures with my Cousin's baby.....Not sure what that make me, I know not an aunt,...(great cousin?) but yeah.....He's adorable, and he seems to like me:P

I think that's it for now....nothing amusing but cleaning my room :roll: and redecorating:/ I don't want to but I saw the color that was picked and It's not gonna be so bad I guess. It's a light grey, I' told it'll match my sheets, it better cause I'm keeping wether they match or not.

The Firework Test

You are the type of person who lives a big, bold, and unique life.
You love to stand out and be noticed. And people definitely notice you.

You are easily excited, and you're quick to move to action.
You like to be in motion doing something. Keeping busy makes you feel good.


If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?

Hey Everyone...how are ya today? I'm good.....just friggin' burnt my finger on a rack in the oven but I'll be fine. This is why i don't cook...my fear of getting burnt is no longer a fear:P It's a confirmation LOL. No really I burn my hand everyday on the racks at work so I should be used to it. Ya think I would be.

My friend sent me a song last night...well about 4 am. It took 2 hours to transfer:| so by the time it was done I was so tired I was dizzy and felt sick. I'm alright now...I've been up for about two hours and still semi trying to wake up. I knew i"d do something stupid though because of my going to bed at 6 am:P The sunrise was pretty though. I'm still more of a sunset person.

Found out a few days ago that a friend from elementary school's dad had died a few days ago. I haven't seen him (my friend) in 13 years but I felt so bad...I got a card saying "sorry for your loss" but I gotta figure out how I'm gonna get it to him now. I have an idea though. the funeral's today.

What flavor shake are you?

You Are a Vanilla Shake

Vanilla, yes, but definitely not boring.
You are subtly complex and deeply sophisticated.

You're the type of person who has always been ahead of their time.
You don't fall for gimmicks or tricks. You are drawn to what's true.


I'm just a poor boy, no body loves me

Hey every one...how are y'all?

I got Guitar Hero On Tour....it's awesome. I've been playing till I can't feel my wrist or hand:P It makes me glad I'm not left handed :lol: I'm gonna seriously laugh if I need to get a wrist brace. I'm on medium so far.

I was at the store and this girl about 8 years old needed smacked so hard. She started throwing a tantrum in the store over a pack of cards:roll: She yells and kicks at her mom, so me and the worker just looked at each other rolling our eyes. I went to a different part of the store to come back half an hour later to see the same brat STILL throwing a tantrum.....I was told she was sick (though "She" was never specified). I don't care who was sick, if the woman didn't smack her kid across the head, I was gonna do it.

Fell asleep in front of my laptop last night :P I woke up about 45 minutes later and my left arm and leg was tingling:P it felt weird

Where to spend your summer

You Should Spend Your Summer in the City

You're a trooper, and the summer heat doesn't really get to you.
So you rather stay in the city, where you can sip iced lattes and go to midnight movies.
Forget the beach! You rather be where the good restaurants and stores are.


How 'bout that? I live in the city :roll:


When there's no where else to run, Is there room for one more song

Hey Everyone. How are y'all today? just a typical summer vacation day here. Everyone is home and my brother is being a pain in the a$$ as usual. My sister is in our room, and my parents are just around. I miss a quiet house already :/

But we just got a thunderstorm earlier ( YAY) unfortunately it stopped. While it was going though, I was out and about occassionally having to walk through the down pour giving my self a shower after I just took one before I left :lol: As I watched everyone try and scramble out of the rain, I couldn't help but think how weird people are for being afraid of getting a little wet. Ok so I got drenched but still my point stands. A little rain never hurt anyone and yeah I'm slowly drying off. I don't care though...if it starts raining again I'm gonna go out and stand in that lightning or not. I'm weird like that...Oh well *shrugs*

Mean while my mom continues to tell me I need smaller jeans. The last pair she said this too were 3 sizes too big. Today it's only one size too big and still falling past my hips. I just wear a long enough shirt to cover my underwear:P I looked at her and said I need money befor I can buy new pants. What am I gonna do? Steal 'em? Yeah right!!!!!

I dunno if y'all remember the thing I mentioned about the Wheelchair Coordinator job but I talked to my friend that told me about it.....well it might be a pointless thing to continue to go after now. He's not sure if he'll have a job by the time the terminal closes either. We were talkign about what we were gonna do...and I honestly don't have a back up plan and the stupid place is closing in 87 days....well September 17th is the predicted day. But we'll see I guess.

http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyoursummerlove$tylequiz (sorry folks, gotta copy and paste today, d@mn censorship is being a b!tch :roll: )

" While others may be into a summer fling, you're about the real thing.
And there's a good chance you're already serious with someone already.
For you, the summer is about getting closer and more committed.
Just don't get tempted by any of that hot weather eye candy!"


Sometimes you gotta go where everybody knows your name.....

Hey y'all...How are you? I'm good.....just staring at the clouds outside. So pretty.

I had a decent week....customers were actually being nice and a few a$$holes (Stupid censoring :roll: ) Nothing new there.....lately it's been all the ones that have had to show ID for their credit cards. Why the hell you gonna fight me over it when YOU KNOW you're gonna need it if you're using a god d@mn credit card????

other then those few idiots, the majority of customers have told me I'm the best...I need more like that. I'm gonna knock out the ones that b!tch about credit cards and ID's if they don't quit. then again my complaining about it isn't helping so I'm done.

I'm finding that what my title says isn't necessarily true......sometimes I'd rather go where no one knows me. I almost did do that too.....but I didn't feel like driving that far. Finding a place where no one knows me isn't worth the use of gas these days. now one saying that would fit me is "Some days all I want to be is a missing person" :P

Are you a good listener?

" You try to be a good listener, and usually you are.
But some people are just so boring and difficult to listen to!

Your mind tends to wander during some conversations.
You are likely to space out a little or try to change the subject to something more interesting."

alrighty then :|

^That's me sometimes:P


If you wanna be somebody else, If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself

Hey y'all...how are you today? I'm good.

I woke up this morning...well afternoon I should say.....and realized why I hate summer vacation. My family's around more which means more nagging and more annoyances. I'm gonna do my best not to rant about 'em too much but I can't make any promises...so if y'all just wanna tell me to shut up then feel free and do so. Anyway, this morning, my mom was getting on me about my insurance card which I don't see why I need it cause the d@mn terminal I work in is being knocked down in 2 and a half months.

Work went better then expected yesterday....I had a hard time decided between dealing with morons who continue to get mad at us because we dont have any tomatoes (though we tell 'em they've all been recalled :roll: ) and dealing with my family who need no explanation on how odd they are. I decided to go to work...at least I get paid to deal with the morons who think we control what's going on with the tomatos. Anyway..the coworkers were tolerable....lots of sex innuendos flying around and I some how became named another co worker's "wifey" :lol: (even though he's got a boyfriend and they both know i have one:P )

How's your attention span?

" Your attention span is just about average.
You may think that you have a short attention span...
But being distracted is something most people struggle with.

The most important thing is that you're aware that your mind wanders.
If you find yourself daydreaming, you can usually snap out of it.
It may be tough to concentrate at times, but you can do it... if you want to!"


My friends say that I'm gone but I swear I'm not

Hey y'all....How are you? Welcome to today's thoughts of randomness.

I'm doing good...got the house to me and my sister for a bit. Brother's at work and parents are at my uncle's house. Might be better if we actually had food now and my mom went grocery shopping before she left:/ i went to the store myself and got some Mac n' Cheese. The great meal of bachelors and bachelorettes (and the only meal I actually can cook if it's even considered a meal......and if they don't live at home with their parents like I do anyway.)

That was most of my semi productive day...other then sleeping till noon like I do on my days off. And I got my nails done..They were so slow and bored I got a color (I was just gonna get a white tip) and a stripe AND my two broken nails fixed for free. Unusual that they're so slow on a Saturday, but I'm not complaining.

I wish I got the house to myself like this every day.....maybe I should lock everyone out :lol: (They'd love that:P )


Now don't be sad, Cause two out of three ain't bad

Hey Y'all..how are ya today? I"m good, it's early morning and I just finished playing Super Mario 2. I haven't played this game in years and forgot how fun it is. Yeah....it's the one where you have to throw the eggs at the stupid dodo bird thing. not quite tired yet though.

Been an amusing few days at work. One thing is something going on between my friend and this other girl that no one really likes. They can't work together and I have to be the one that keeps 'em seperated :| How the hell I got that job I'll never know. One day though they were told that they had to be at the same Quizno's and they have to learn how to work together wether they want to or not. I feel bad for my friend but I agree with that as well.

Then there's another girl who is trying to teach me how to dance.....and I mean the full on booty shaking, arms up in the air, wave 'em like you dont' care dancing. None of this white girl Charlie Brown dancing...which is pretty much all I know. It's interesting really..I try it anyway though I look like an idiot but no one seems to care or find me hopeless and we all get a good laugh out of it. She's still trying though...so I guess I'm not completely hopeless. Despite one of the guys there telling me I'd be better offf holding the wall up:P which I'm already good at. I'm slowly getting some of these dances...they're "old school" as the girl calls it.

The Ice Cream Personality Test

" You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.

You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.

You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.

You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.

You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way"


I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark

Hey everyone. How are ya?

my friends party was fun. There was mostly family and a few people from her school there but I still had a good time. I got a little sunburnt too.*gasp* I sat outside:P My mom worried and asked stupid annoying questions for nothing like she always does. I always find it amusing when she realizes this.

Then I just sat in bed when I got home and the dog (Baxter) wanted up on my bed, and he just leaned against my leg and slept there.....awwww:P Then still against my leg, rolled onto his back and slept like that:P it was cute.

The Beach Test

" You tend to be a very social person. You live for your friends and family. You can get social burnout occasionally though. You aren't a total extrovert.

You have cold feet when it comes to love. You have a lot of uncertainty until you convince yourself to dive right in.

You are a deep and contemplative person. You are as passionate as everyone else, but your passion is not always apparent.

Your sense of humor is sarcastic, snarky, and realistic. You're not exactly happy-go-lucky."


we haven't had that spirit here since 1969

Hey y'all...how are you today? It's warm here even though clouds are rolling in.

Lots of accidents in the last two days....on the way home, someone had to be taken off to the hospital from a bus. Today There was a crash where one car got sandwiched and both ends were smashed in pretty badly. Not even a quarter of a mile on the same road someone rearended the car in front of 'em and smashed their front end pretty badly. I guess it wouldnt' be Saturday if the more stupid drivers were out. :/

Today i don't have to worry about getting the house to myself.....I'm the one going out. It's my friend's graduation party and it's in a city about half an hour away and I told my mom bout it, right, and here came the barage of questions :roll:

"What are you wearing?" The same thing I'm wearing now, my tank top and jeans.

"You're gonna drive through Detroit?" Uhhhhh YEAH...it's the only way to get there.

"Did you mapquest the address?" NOOOOO I'm gonna go traveling blindly by dumb luck :roll:

"Don't drink and drive" (ok not a question, but still) NO DUH!!!! How dumb do I look? Seriously :roll:

I'm 25 for crying out loud....She KNOWS I know better then that.

I guess that's it...nothing else more amusing then me slipping on a bunch of boxes yesterday at work and falling backwards on my ass

Are you too negative?

" You can be negative from time to time, but you rarely go overboard.
You have a realistic view of the world, and most people appreciate your honest insights.

Like everyone else, you have your darker moods.
But when you're feeling super negative, you keep your feelings to yourself."