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Sometimes I think I understand everything....Then i regain conscienceness

Hey y'all........I think that title describes me perfectly:P

How are y'all tonight? I'm just here relaxing in bed.....no random thoughts *gasp* hehehe yep no random thoughts. Just listening to music:P "Baby Boy" by Beyonce Knowles f/ Sean Paul to be exact:P *kicks feet up and on table, then falls backward* no really I'm fine:P *gets up and relaxes again*

Hope y'all enjoy this email.....I thought it was pretty accurate actually.

Chinese Feng Shui Horoscope:

Get a piece of paper so you can write down your answers..or you can post 'em here....whatever:P

1. Which is your favorite color: Red, Black, Blue, Green, or Yellow?

2. What is your first initial?

3. Your month of birth?

4. Which color do you like more, Black or white?

5. the name of a person that is the same sex as you?

6. your favorite number?

7. Do you like California or Florida more?

8. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?

(there was a number nine but it involved forwarding and what not so I skipped this entirely:P )

hmm I imagine you want results now.......I guess I'll give 'em to ya

1. Red-You are alert and your life is full of love Black- you are conservative and agressive Green- your soul is relaxed and you are laid back blue-You are spontaneous and love affection Yellow- you are a happy person and give good advice to those that are down

2. A-K: you have a lot of love and friendships in your life L-R: you try to live your life to the max and your love life is soon to bloom S-Z: you like to help others and your future is bright

3. Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected Apr-Jun: You have a strong love relationship that will last forever Jul-Sep: You will have a great year and will experiance a major life change for the good Oct-Dec: Your life will be great and you will find your soulmate

4. Black: your life will get better. You are more then ready for change White: you have a friend that completely confides in you and will do anything for you, but you may not realize it.

5. This person should be your best friend

6. This is how many close friends you'll have in your life time

7. California: you like adventure Florida: you are laidback

8. Lake: you are loyal to your friends and lover. you are very reserved. Ocean: you are spontaneous and like to please people


Everybody's got their protblems, everybody says the same thing to you

hey Y'all....how are ya this morning.

I.......am stuck wearing my glasses today:cry: yes for those of you that don' t know and most of ya already do.....I wear glasses and contacts.But why can't I wear contacts? well I started to put 'em in and my right one strangely started hurting really really really bad....like I had stuck my eye with the sharpest thing I could find (yeah graphic image, but thats how it felt). Upon taking the contact out (I can't open my eye at this time so it was a challenge) I obviously can't put it back in.....and I can't walk around wearing one contact....far too blind for that and it gives me a headache (yeah I've done this before) *looks outside and sees it's sunny* *sigh* at least they're transition lenses:? I can open my eye now but it still hurts too bad to put my contacts in:?

Hun? Entity? I didn't have a reason to hide last night...............Now I do:cry:

EDIT:I'm alright now:P I was able to get my contacts in bout an hour after this happened...so now no one has to be tortured by seeing me with glasses:P

Quiz: What color rose are you?

You are a Lavender Rose

You represent love at first sight and enchantment.

Your vibe: intense and intriguing

Falling in love with you is: deep and meaningful

hmm my fave color:P

Sadlyhaf the image is cut off:? (the link at the bottom anyway is the one that's cut off:P )



If it falls, it will crush you

eh, don't ask....just finished watching "A Series of Unfortunate Events" I love this movie.......JIm carry make is funny and it's where I got the title from:P

I ran into someone I graduated high school with at the store today......he recognized me first which is strange to me cause in high school I basicly didn't exist...............to like 99.9% of the population at my school. so it's always the same convo.......the first question asked is "what have you been up to?" :P It's always the same answer too.....usually for the other person it's they've been busy with college and for me it's I've been busy working. One day I'll be able to say I'm in college:? *sigh* hopefully. Either way I must have been known somewhat well in school and I didn't even know it..........I always liked not existing..back then I did.

Quiz: what kind of chocolate are you?

You are White Chocolate

You are White Chocolate
You are sweet, caring, and truly very innocent.
Whether your naive ways are a bit of act or not, people like to take care of you.
You are a quiet flirt, and your power is often underestimated!


I'm just so tired....won't ya sing me to sleep?

hey y'all.....not too many thoughts today...in fact I'm actually just sitting here zoning in and out of reality:P

Thing that keeps snapping me awake is the fact that I've been sneezing non stop since I got up an hour ago......and I havent' even left the house yet:? I think somehow I'm making up for all the times I've wanted to sneeze and work but then they don't come out till I get home:P

my bf called yesterday and just as I told him what me and my sister had been up to (we had the house to ourselves so naturally we were yelling at each other just because we can), she let out this ear peircing shriek that even HIS neighbor could probably hear :lol: and then while we were on the phone resumed calling each other names as I told her to do something that she was already doing. Hope she didn't hurt ya ear too bad hun :oops: Well sis, if i'm gonna be a dork again I may as well be a  hehe

QUIZ: what color car should you drive?

You Should Drive a Silver Car

You're the type of driver who doesn't really pay attention to other cars on the road.
You are calm, focused, and clear headed. Driving is simply a task for you.
And you aren't one to be too fussy about what you drive.
Basing your status on a car is a little beneath you.

apparently I'm driving the wrong color....wonder what it says bout a green car :lol:

and even if you don't drive...take the quiz anyway:P it'll help ya pick a color when ya go car shopping:P


Have no fear for I......wait...I'm here:P RUN FOR YOUR LIVES:P

hey y'all........got some great laughs watching everyone type without the E:P that was awesome.

I got my sister back the other day.....she no longer calls me dorkwad....she has joined everyone else in calling me a vampire:lol: Maybe that's why I like 'em so much:P Anyway, I was sitting here the other night and i started throwing Swedish fish at her. Yeah yeah I know....I CAN'T eat swedish fish. but I did anyway *sticks tongue out*

I'd like to be serious for a minute *tries to hold straight face and burst out laughing* no seriously........I dont watch the news and I only read the paper for the comics, but a story caught my eye on my lunch period. I'm fairly sure that we all remember the tragedy with hurricane Katrina..........welll I saw that FEMA over paid the fund for it by 483 million :shock: worse yet they're trying to get it back......I only hope that the people that deserve the money don't have to pay it back. Well most of 'em anyway...for others it's too late. A woman they had given 5000 dollars so she could get a mobile home and meds and what not now has to pay back 3800 of that money:? I couldn't find the article online but when I do I'll post it:P

QUIZ: What finger are you?

I'm the ring finger:P

You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.

they definitely got me right bout being in my own world:P


I wanna be bad.....you make it look so good

morning y'all........well I'm up and out of bed...don 't expect too much from me yet:P How are y'all?

I was saved from having to cook for myself....i was only gonna make mac and cheese but we don't have milk:? I guess that's good for me cause gas stoves scare me. I'm fraid of burning myself on 'em (knowing my luck I will too when I least expect it:? )and the pots are above the stove:? Open fire + pots OVER that open fire+ my klumsiness......that's a worse equation then when I drive angry (or is that one the worst?) Anyway.....yeah, well I gotta eat something soon. I only get 2 meals a day now...that's all I got time for:?

Got a $10 tip yesterday after we closed.....for giving a guy 2 bags of chips and a bowl of soup. Me and the other girl told him not to worry bout it but he still paid us anyway......Hey you don't hear me complaining....he just paid for my parking:P which for an 8 hour shift I found out would cost 30 bucks with out the discount.

Had the weirdest dream last night.....far too weird for words. began with me at thecomputer (gee where else would I be:P ) then I'm in this weird room with all these people...dunno what was going on...all I wanted to do was sleep (this dream is fitting me more andmore :? ) ended with me at one of my tv.com friends houses with their mom asking why I typed some comment and thought it was a joke......odd.

Now on to the Color test I got 100%......have fun.


EDIT: I present a challenge to y'all.......see if you can type a post without using the letter e......it's rally quit asy ond you gt usd to it.

I am supergrrrl and I'm here to save the world....

But I wanna know whose gonna save me:P Hey y'all.......I' m here well physicallly mentally may be another story:lol:

Had an interesting day.......my name is still Dorkwad, just to keep ya in check on that:P

But anyway......had an interesting day at work. i was getting bread to make a sub and a section of the menu falls...................on my head. I just stood there for a few seconds while the long long long line of customers that saw it and manager and crew asked if I was alright........20 times. But alas do not worry bout me.....I have had heavier fall on my head with a hat full of pins:? Sadly nothing absolutely nothing compares to the pain in my knee right now. it's been like this for a few days now.......but again Don't worry bout me....I'm gonna be fine. I have been dealing with this pain for almost 7 years and it will stop...........eventually. Maybe not tonight....hopefully tomorrow.

I finally filled out that music quiz where you put your ipod on shuffle....or in my case it's my windows media player here's what I got....

Opening credits - run away-LP

Waking Up - Most girls--Pink

First Day At School - Criminal-- Fiona Apple

Falling In Love - Broken Wings--Mr.Mister

Fight Song - Me Against the world

Breaking Up - Pretty Fly For A White Guy--Offspring

Prom - Hotel California--Eagles

Life - Slide--GooGoo Dolls

Mental Breakdown - Bad day again--Fuel

Driving - Foxy Foxy--Rob Zombie

Flashback - Stupid girl--Cold

Getting Back Together - Hey mr dj--BSB

Wedding - then The morning comes-Smashmouth

Birth of Child -Sing for the moment --Eminem

Final Battle - What would brian Boitano do? SP:BLU

Death Scene - Skater Boi--Avril Lavigne

Funeral Song -Boiler-Limp Bizkit

End Credits - It's time to dance P!ATD

most of these songs are accurate too.....specially Flash Back, Opening Credits, and Waking up:P


Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected the expected?

hehe, yeah think bout that one:P Hey y'all......What's going on?

First off I updated my about me picture:P why because it needed it. I'll save ya the trouble of finding it yourself though because the pics are usually so small anyway:P so here I am, hope y'all like it.......it's alright to me.....personally my prom pic is still my favorite one but I dont' think I have it loaded to photobucket so I can't really show ya. (yet..........maybe)

My sister and I have done nothing over the last few days but call each other names for no reason whatso ever :lol: I'm dorkwad and she's buttmunch (or child depending on what i feel like calling her). My mom says that if we keep that up those may actually become our real names :lol: I dunno if i could get used to being called Dorkwad, I think I like "hey you" better:P I called her buttmunch yesterday.....and she bit me:?:P On my shoulder:P so I did the same thing I do when she does that to me....I flicked her in the head.........wow we are a strange pair:P

I got this as an email from Kc:P this is a hilarious one:P Hope y'all like it too.....

Top 10 Viagra Slogans:

10. Whazz up!

9. The Quicker pecker picker upper

8. Like a rock

7. When it absolutely, positively has to be there over night

6. Be all that you can be

5. Reach out and touch someone

4. Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman

3. home of the whopper

2. we bring things to life

and the number one slogan:

1. this is your peepee, this is your peepee on drugs:P

(for those that keep wondering where I find the pics.....just type in Pon and Zi in the search bar:P )

YAY the new season of Kyle XY begins today.....I can't wait...it's gonna be awesome:P (can ya tell I had my hot cocoa today hehehe)


EDIT: I just got an IM from Tie and she said to tell Jacqui, Joy, Tina, and everyone she talks to on MSN that she won't be on for 3 weeks. Her comp went on her and she's moving. :cry: She said she'll miss y'all. :cry:

when you leave my colors fade to gray.....

*listens to Numa Numa* Morning y'all I was hoping to be awake by now but I've been trying to wake up since 10:45. Guess this is what i get for going to bed at 6 am:? The weather here is making me appreciate having the coldest room in the house....I'm surprised I'm able to stay up so late since being cold makes me wanna sleep.

Anyway, I'm just waiting her for my mom to get home so she can dye my hair for me.......I'm going from Strawberry Blonde to a Summer Berry (what's with the food names :? ) anyway, it's a reddish brown....hope it's more red....I look bettter as a redhead I always thought. I was gonna go with the insanely red that Reno has in FF7:Advent children but it might actually come out pink on me :P hmm, maybe I shoulda done that...J/K

Only one good thing bout Saturdays.......I don't have to work....apparently it's obvious I can't sleep in with everyone home and talking like they're sitting halfway acrosss the room :roll: One Saturday I'm hoping to have the entire day to myself....I'll either spend time here or got to bed late again and get up early and fall asleep in front of the comp....well, here:lol: where else would I go:P outside? *stares at the shining sun and becomes a vampire retreating to dark corner*

I haven't done a quiz in a while....so be prepared for the most random quiz I've seen:P

randomness, oh the fun

You will have this many kids: 21719 :? (that's a lot of kids:P )

You will be this rich: $658,510.30

You will commit suicide: false

Day you will die: April 18, 1951 ( I I'll die 32 years before I was born:? interesting:P)

Day you will break up: September 18, 1943 ( I do a lot before I was born:P)


allow, if you're still alive, 6 to 8 years to arrive

Morning y'all.....or night, evening, whatever your time zone is.   

I found the best best best best............(3 hours later) best ringtone.   My absolute favorite song "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles.   I said I wasnt' gonna get anymore ringtones but I just had to get it:P    I got that and the song One Day In Your Life:P  

 I wanna cry......Paris Hilton is no longer in jail :cry::cry:    (ok bad rant for me to get started on so I'll try and keep it short)  The world is no longer safe from her:cry::cry:....*runs and hides*  I despise her more then I've ever despised anyone and she doesn't deserve the title of heiress.......SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO BE A CELEBRITY!!!!!!!!!!   I could go out and party alll night everyday if I wanted to......how come I'm not a celebrity??????????  I....I...could *curls up in hiding spot covering mouth and burying head in an attempt to shut up, takes deep breaths*


sorry......that's why I try not to bring her up:?   ANYWAY.......got a great joke again.

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around,

looking for valuables. He picked up a CD player to place in his sack, when a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the dark saying, "Jesus is watching you."
He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his head and continued. Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard, "Jesus is watching you."
Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.
"Did you say that?" he hissed at the parrot.
"Yep," the parrot confessed, then squawked, "I'm just trying to warn you that he's watching you"  The burglar relaxed. "Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?"
"Moses," replied the bird.
"Moses?" the burglar laughed. "What kind of people would name a bird Moses?"
"The same kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus