Morning y'all........*looks at clock* bleh er..afternoon:P
A few random thoughts for your day...simply because I can't post them as daily as i'd like anymore:P
My car is becoming a mobile laundry mat:P seriously it's got hoodies, sweaters, aprons, sometimes shoes (yes sometimes I drive bare foot and leave my shoes in my car) oh yeah, and can't forget the two hats I have ( I'm so not a hat person, never have been)
Found a necklace....actaully more like a choker I thought I'd lost. It was actually made for a little girl but if I put it on the last loop, i can stilll breath LOL and it's not my favorite color but it's still cute. It's a little heart with pink rhinestones....if I could've found a purple one I'd have been happy but oh well...I still like it:P
I'm the only one in my house that uses conditioner........I bought more the other day, come to find out that we already had some. oh well, the stuff I bought smells smells like waterfall mist, hehe. My family, well a few members of my family, look at me funny and wonder why I need use conditioner. Gee Lemme think bout that.......In case they haven't noticed, my hair is longer then everyone else's :roll: so just shampoo will not work when washing my hair....Wait why are they even questioning me? Bleh, they are so weird.
anyway......onto what I do best....SURVEYS:p
Reveal a little bit about yourself:
Is your hair up? Yes:P I rarely keep it down
Is your phone right beside you? always
Do you have a bf/gf? yes:)
Do you wish you were somewhere else? yes
Do you have plans for tonight? yep work then come home and talk to my honey:)
Are you wearing make up? Me? wear makeup? I never started so I have to say no
Are you wearing chapstick? I don't wear chapstick either...I wear lipgloss:P
Are you cold? actually no
Are you tired? nope:P
Are you excited? yep but not bout going to work:P
Are you watching tv? nope forgot the stupid thing was there
Are you wearing pajamas? nope
Who's the last person you IM'd? My boyfriend :oops:
Who's the last person you called? My stepdad.......I forget why though:?
Anything you regret? Can't think of anything
Ever lied? yep, who hasn't?
Ever gone skinny dipping? errrr, No
Ever spit at someone? nope
Ever kick something living? nope
Ever had your nails done? Many times.....*looks at nails now* I need 'em done again
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? Nope
Had any plans last week? same thing I've been doing
Who did you see most last week?my family
Was last week interesting? Where I live every week is interesting
Have you cussed? Yes
Have you yelled at someone? nope
Have you gotten mad at someone? nope
Have you cried? nope
Have you called more then 3 people? nope
Who did you call? No one
Have you IM'd more then 3 people? Not yet:P
Have you eaten anything gross? ummm, no
SPILL YOUR GUT(last part:P ):
First thing you did this morning? Search for my glasses
Last thing you ate? a bowl of cereal
What's something you look forward to in the next 6 weeks? Going to see my boyfriend
What's annoying you right now? The music from the strange text I recieved and the noise from the washer
What's the last movie you saw? TMNT 2
Do you beleive in long distance relationships? yes:)
Where is the last place you went? Bath and Body Works
Who is the last person you called? my stepdad....still trying to think of why
Been cheated on? not that I'm aware of
Do you think that someone is thinking of you right now? I know someone is thinking of me;)
Choose one to have (love, Beauty and Creativity): I've got love and beauty:) so Creativity
Do you wish on stars? can't say I do
Does it work? I couldn't tell ya
Do you untie your shoes everytime to take them off? nope, too lazy to retie 'em
When did you last cry? 2 weeks ago? I dunno
Do you like your handwriting? nope
Are you a friendly person? I like to think I am, If I'm not it's new to me
Are you keeping a secret from the world? uhhh, nope
Who's bed did you sleep in last night? mine:P
Were they in it too? That's for me to know and you to find out:P
What color shirt are you wearing? Bergundy and pink (yeah I said pink :?:P ) and most of you should be happy that I'm finally not wearing a big hoodie:?
What were you doing at 9 last night? working
Do you have any pets? yep 3 dogs
What is the color of your bed sheets? Purple with a matching leopard print comforter:P
Who was the last person you talked to? my boyfriend:)
When was the last time you saw your dad? wow, umm before I was a year old
Look to your left: umm ok*raises eyebrow*
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
Ever cry on your friends shoulder? yes
Song that make you cry? There are a few of 'em actually:oops:
Are you normaly a happy person? sure
Is your self esteem low? it's not as low as it used to be before
What color are your eyes? Hazel
Long or short hair? Long *grabs it and hides so no one gets ideas to cut it*
Current music? What ever I'm in the mood for
Who are you thinking about right now? I'll give you three guesses but you only really need one:P
Love ya, my dragon:) :oops:
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