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Raven1983 Blog

We're still so young and desperate for attention.......

Well so maybe we're not desperate for attention.....:P   I just like the song.

 Just finished eating Raviolis.....not very filling:? They never have been.  But they go great with cake as dessert.  (hmm one day I'll get a better diet....I'll start eating hea....*cough* hea....heal..........hmm can't say it.......non sugary stuff:P )

 Sooooooooo............Let's play a game.......I'm sure everyone knows what mad libs are.   I found some funny ones thanx to White Castle :P


I'll post the nouns, verbs, adjectives,and other stuff I need here.....and I'll give you your sentences in the next blog.....


1. Noun #1

2. Noun #2

3. Place

4. Adjective #1

5.Noun #3

6. Food

7. Verb #1

8. Type of Building

9. Noun #4

10. animal

11. Verb#2

12. Noun #5

13. Adjective #2

14. Noun #6

15. Noun #7


LOL I know that's a lot of nouns:P  but trust me, This should be pretty funny.   Can't wait to see what y'all come up with. 



Happy Easter

I know I haven't done a holiday blog since Halloween so..........



Hope y'all have a great day:) 

It's the weekend and everyone is at my house......drinking:/

This actually isn't the point of the blog.....although that's what's happening at my house now.    And I was the one who had to go get more beer because my sister isn't old enough to buy beer and I'm the only one that's old enough to drink that's not drinking:P     I GOT CARDED:?  I'm friggin' 24 years old and I get carded because I friggin' look like i'm 18.    ANYWAY, now to the original point of the blog.


Good words of Wisdom:P   enjoy. 







Adventures in the land of......uhh, I don't even know where i was:/

Sadly I have been "summoned"for jury duty.    I have 2 weeks to figure out where I'm supposed to go, but that changed today when I found someone who can actually tell me where I'm going.  I have to go to detroit........a city I've NEVER been to and kinda hoped i'd have to avoid going to.   BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!!!!!!!      


SOOOOOOOOOOOO anyway, I decided now that I knew where I was going that'd I'd try to find the place.  The only easy navigating was getting on I-75.   I make it to the city and first I completely pass up the building where I have to serve jury duty.  Here's mistake #1 that I was lucky enough to survive.........I went the wrong way on a ONE WAY STREET!!!  Thankfully the driver in front of me actually understood and didn't flip me off or get mad at me or try to ram my car.   I know, I'm such an idiot.    so I finally head in the right direction which is actually the wrong direction and I stop and ask for directions (in a city I don't trust mind you:? ) to find out I have to turn around and go back to where I made mistake #1.   bout 20 minutes later I find where I'm supposed to go and where I can park....so I head home.      oh BTW I left at 2:30, didn't get home till after 4:?  


So now I gotta find my way back to I-75, thought I could backtrack.......apparently you can't do that in Detroit.    Some how I end up in I-94 so I get off on the next nearest ramp..........here's where the adventure continues.  I have NO IDEA where I'm at or how to get back to I-75.   I'm driving around and I end up on another one way street where I make mistake #1 AGAIN.  Thankfully AGAIN there was no traffic and no cops are around while I'm making these mistakes...........You're probably wondering how am I stilll alive now.    Trust me....so am I.  I thought I was gonna end up dead before I got home.  so I'm driving around (Still)  and I turn on this one street that FINALLY has an entrance to I-75.  finally now I can head home.


I'm gonna try this trip again but with my mom.......so I make sure I really know where I'm going.    Wish me luck....I'm supposed to go to this place for duty.....I'm screwed if I get lost again. 

Anything you can do I can do better:P

I'm sad to say, we never got the rain we were told we were gonna get.    BUT we got snow.  SNOW?!?!? it's frigging April.  First snow in october, and now april:?      What's worse is I'm the idiot that left in this weather wearing a short sleeve shirt.........don't ask why I wasn't wearing a coat, I swear it wasn't snowing when I left.       I'm gonna (try to)be more careful though, I've been lucky to get away with a stuffy nose for the last year and a half (yeah it's lasting this long and still going :?)


I'm still trying to figure out when my orientation day is for Starbuck's........at least I was told I got the job. I hope I wasn't lied to:? I've already been at Wendy's too long. I can't take anymore:cry:   K, I'm done talking bout work.......... I'll get better work stories one day:P


I've got to take off for a few minutes but I'll leave you with these lessons:   Don't fall asleep in kitchen chairs.....far far far too hard on a person's back........mine finally stopped hurting after this happened to me last night. (sorry bout that Red and Dark, didn't mean to fall asleep on you)    

 and the last lesson: if you listen to music when you go to sleep, make sure it's not music you wanna get up and dance to (I swear I thought I had Air Supply in my cd player :? not a techno cd:P )


have fun with those:P   BYEEEEEEEEE for now. 

Nothing.....absolutely nothing

Again I wanna blog again but sadly I have nothing to say......so I guess I'lll just be random:P


umm, My knee hurts today.......not sure why, either it's gonna finally rain like it was supposed to do ALL day but didn't :evil:  or I knelt down for too long.    sadly I am unable to walk because of it.

 I took a new pic of me with my new phone.....was gonna post it here, but no one wants to see this:     :lol: yeah right I wish I looked like that:P   The  actual pic is up on my profile at GS and tv.com. Hope y'all like it.

 Happy Feet is finally on DVD.......I can't afford it so I wish my mome would hurry up and buy it so I can watch it again.  It was such a cute movie....made me wanna get up and dance.

I've had the same song stuck in my head forever now.  Of course it "Welcome To The Black Parade" by My Chemical ROmance.  I blame my sister for getting me hooked on it.  Not that it's a bad thing......I really like the song, just not every day for a week and a half. If anyone has any new songs for me to wake up and sing......feel free to post them.

 We got a new ice cream shop that sounds sooooooooooooooo goood, sadly again, it's out of my budget till I get paid again. It's called "Stone Cold Creamery".  one day I'll go.........I still want ice cream:P

 Hmmm *thinks* something else random *gets a headache and stops thinking*  I guess that's it for now:?   at least till I come up with something else random.        BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:P


And I for one can see no blood from the hearts and wrists you allegedly slit....

Hehe, Don't mind the title.  It's just a song from the  P!ATD cd in my car:P

 anyway....enjoy this survey:P


68 (was 69 but the last one was far too personal for me) you should know about me(dunno why you need to know some of these things though LOL but what ever :p ):


1. Where were you when the ball dropped in 2006?        sitting at home watching the ball drop.

2.  How did you get the idea for your myspace name?     He's one of my favorite actors

3. What are you listening to right now?        it's not P!ATD actually:P   it's "Welcome to the black parade" by My Chemical Romance

4. has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?         Yes

5. What color underwear are you wearing?          Wouldn't you like to know:P

6. Do you live in a zoo?               Sometimes I wonder

7. What did you do this morning?      Went to work

8. What does your mom do for a living?       Teaches

9. Where do you work?       Wendy's soon to be Starbucks

10. What ended your last relationship?       he stopped calling

11. What are the last two digits of your phone number?     ROFL...like I'd actually post that here.

12. What was the last concert you attended?    Backstreet Boys *hides* don't hit me:P

13. Who was with you?       my friend

14. What was the last movie you watched?       The Corpse Bride

15. What do you dislike at the moment?     Can't think of anything

16. What food do you crave right now?      Ice cream

17. Did you dream last night?        nope

18. What was the last tv show you watched?    The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy movie (yes I said I don't watch tv anymore but I had to turn it on to see what I was doing this morning:P )

19. What's your favorite peice of jewelry?    My class ring.

20. Name someone on your top 8 who is like you?       hmm, can't think of anyone.

21. What is the last thing you ate?  Baked potatoe and Chicken

22. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?   awww, I can't say all of them:P

23. Who Last IMed you? My brother

24. Are you on any medication?   Yes I am

25. What side of the bed do you sleep on?  the one away from the wall

26. What color shirt are you wearing?       Grey with navy blue writing

27. What color is your razor?  Purple:P  what other color would it be:P

28.  What is your favorite frozen treat?   Chocolate chip cookie do ice cream

29. How many tattoos/peircings do you have?  5 tattoos and 17 peircings

30. What are your favorite stores?   Don't really have a favorite

31. Are you thirsty right now?     ummmmm sure

32. Can you imagine yourself getting married?  yeah, eventually

33. Who's someone that you haven't seen in a while and miss?      My friend from the fourth grade

34.  What did you do last night?    Went to bed early *gasp*

35. Do you care what people think of you?   I try not to

36. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?    I'm sure I have

37. Do you like your nose?   meh.....

38. What color is your bedroom?  Opening night (purplish blue)

39. When was the last time you worked out?      too long ago

40. ......                           Ummm riiiiiiiight:?

41. Do you like pedicures?       yep

42. Where do you live?    Michigan

43. Are you an agressive driver?    Depends on my mood

44. Who is your cell phone carrier?  Verizon

45. Do you like the person that posted this last?  of course, I love myself:lol:

46. Do you know their birthday?       I better or I'm in trouble

47. What is the thing you'd change most about yourself?     I can think of a list of things

48. What color is your car?  Greenish Blue...but it looks more green depending on the light you see it in.

49. What do you smell like right now?      Strawberry Peach

50. What is your favorite color?        Purple

51. Do you like mustard?     Yes

52. What do you tell yourself when times get hard?  yeah I'm not too nice to myself at these times:P

53. Would you ever sky dive?     I doubt it

54. What do you sleep on?      a bed, duh!:P

55. What character from tv/movie reminds you of yourself?       Not sure

56. Have you ever bid for something on Ebay?    no

57. What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant?      ummm I'm happy for her?

58. Do you enjoy giving hugs?    yes I do:P

59. Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?   I wear hoodies 85% of the year.....you tell me

60. Do you have a digital camera?      nope....got a camera phone, so it's not necessary

61. What celebrities have you been compared to?    Julia Stiles:P

62. Who is your favorite star wars character?      I dunno

63. Does is annoy you when someone says they'll call but they never do?      depends on the mood I'm in

64. What books if any made you cry?     Stephen King's "the girl who loved Tom Gordon" and "the Green MIle"

65. What the f*ck?         ooooooooookkkkkayyyy:?

66.  Are you a jealous person?       nope

67.Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?    no, should I?

68. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be?       now this is a strange question......I have no idea 

problem solved..........................somewhat anyway.

Ignore my last blog............again I just needed to complain because I was irritated.

 Apparently I can post in the forums again YAY:P  I still can't post in blogs (not even my own) nor post a blog.   GOod thing for GS, then:P   I need to up my post coulnt anyway to get out of lvl 20:P  LOL 

 so yeah,anyway, I have to head off for work right now but I'll be back on about 7 ish (because I have no where else to go today:P) Happy April fools day:P  Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

GRRR!!!!!!!!!!! *smacks head on table and lays there*

I HATE IE7.      First tv.com stops working on me.....haven't been able to post in the forums for 3 days now.  and today I can't post in my blog(sitting on GS now) or PM anyone.


Now my frigging stupid IE7 decides to crap out on me......I could hurt my brother for being so damn persistant about upgrading to it. (I hope he's happy.....he's officially made me wanna throw my laptop out the window and I love my laptop).


THEN after rebooting my comp, Firefox decides it doesn't want to bring it to my homepage so I can come back here......thankfully that decided to work. Sorry guys but if this keeps up, I'm heading offline for the night.  I can't deal with this sh!t anymore. 

Because everyone else is doing it:P 100 things about me....

1. Name- Kathleen J

2. Nickname-Katie,Raven, Kat

3.D.O.B.-Feb 21, 1983

4.Place of birth-Flatrock, MI



7.School-graduated six years ago this June

8.Occupation-Burger flipper....soon to be coffee maker:P

9.Residence-Michigan (still)

10.MsN-i have one


11.Hair color-Strawberry blonde

12.Hair length-halfway down my back

13.Eye color-Hazel

14.Weight-I ain't saying but you'd be surprised


16.Braces-had them, but not anymore




20.Righty or lefty-righty

-Your first-

21.Best friend-Stephanie (prettyinpink281) since high school and a few at this site

22.First Award-prolly perfect attendance back in middle school

23.First sport-don't play sports

24.First pet-Dog

25.First real vacation-Florida

26.First concert-was back in High school

27.First love-some guy I worked with (learned that lesson fast)


28.Movie-Pirates of the Carribbean, Lord Of The Rings

29.Tv show-stopped watching tv.



32.Band-too many to decide

33.Songs-currently " Me Against The World" by Simple Plan


35.Sweets-chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate

36.Sport to play-don't play sports...too lazy

37.Restaraunt-Burger King

38.Brand-of what?

39.Shop-Dont have a particular one...basically anyplace in my budget

40.School Subject-My favorite was going home....Wait, that's not a subject:?

41.Animal-3 dogs

42.Books-Stephen King

43.Magazine-Don't have one

44.Shoes-too many to count:P (i'm a girl, what'd you expect me to say:P )



46.Wearing-outfit I went job searching in

47.Have a crush-nope

48.Eating-Some apple dessert sister baked

49.Drinking-Diet Mt Dew

50.Listening to-Welcome to the Black Parade---My Chemical Romance

51.Thinking about-since when did I start thinking :P

52.Wanting-nothing at the moment





56.Career-to run my own business

57.Destination of Residence-not sure

58.Car-currently driving an escort, but I want a Jeep

-What do you prefer in opposite sex-

59.Hair color-doesn't matter to me

60.Hair length-not longer then mine

61.Eye color-doesnt' matter

62.Measurments-don't care

63.Cute or Sexy-hmm, can I choose both?:P J/K I don't judge people like that

64.Lips or Eyes-eyes

65.Hugs or Kisses-both

66.Short or Tall-Tall

67.Easy going or Serious-both

68.Romantic or Spontanious-both

69.Fatty or Skinny-In between

70.Sensitive or loud-sensitive

71.Hook up or Relationship-Relationship

72.Sweet or Caring-Both

73.Troublemaker or Hesitant-hmm, good question

-Have you ever-

74.Kissed a stranger-No

75.Had Alcohol-yes


77.Done anything crazy-can't say I have

78.Ran away from home-No

79.Broken a bone-No

80.Got an X-ray-no

81.Went out with someone-yes

82.Broken someones heart-prolly

83.Broke up with someone-yes

84.Cried when someone died-yep

85.Cried at school-Yes

-Do you believe in-



88.Love at first sight-no!

89.Ghosts-not particularly

90.Aliens-not really

91.Soul mates-umm, not sure




95.Kissing on first date-maybe

96.Horoscopes-depends on what it says


98.Personality-I have one? J/K Reliable, Friendly, funny, cute(:P )

99.Favorite meal-anything with Pasta

100.Favorite game-Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past