I think I have what I call Just Another Day Syndrome. JANDS. Bsaically all my days just become meshed into one mess with really not to distguinish one day from another. Basically making my life a bore of endless repeated process that lack in significance at all. I work school study sleep internet. Sometimes hang out with friends. I can remeber last week or any particular day they are just days. I could describe any day and I sound just like any day. All my days are the same. I'm in a rut. So where to go? Idonno.
I saw Y online we haven't spoked in like 3 weeks. yeah I know spoked isn't a word whatever its late. Anyways, that was semi exciting except for the fact she never responded back. Go figure, our friendship seems to have pretty much faded away. Which is very disheartening for me. But I guess thats what people do they just kind of push you aside when it comes to long distance. No one really wants to work at friendships. Granted I am not perfect. I tried and I'm sure she tried but school and what nots.
Work has been worse then ever. I'm the low man and the high man at the same time. And its lame. If the seniors aren't tehre I am in charge and if the seniors are there I am low man. Its quite lame. To be honest. So I've been getting in trouble because i haven't monitored over my underlings which I didn't know I was in charge in. Or my paper work hasn't been spot on. Because hey I am maning the counter while my Seniors sit in the back avoiding the front as much as possible. Great! Its lame. I am starting to hate my job and every day I loathe. I use to find some solace in my work and find some good but I find none. I got talked today because I wrote down on our tactical analysis
Problem Bad HD
Inform Bad HD
Perform Bad HD
I couldn't really work so I just put bad hd for everything because I can't really tell them anything else but I guess thats not good enough. Whatever. We are getting cracked down on because things are going less than stellar. I am working my ass off as usual, and i still haven't gotten my training in the back that they promised. It seems that this training is pretty bad. Oh well, just another semester of it. And summer...
Couples are starting to piss me off I hate them all. Haha, they are everywhere. I mean OMG. I'm probably just lonely and looking for somone to call my own except for this lack of attraction to the majority of girls. I'm quite sure I understand that at all. Eh I probably shouldn't look into it. Its also because I still have that strong attraction to Kirsten. Thats it I know it, and when that will fade I donno.
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