Disclaimer - This is a complete complaining post! Emotional problems which you have nothing to do with and I have no control over ensue!
Work has sucked, it has royally sucked this week, I just keep getting called in for work and blah blah blah. Jerk customers and I've just been tired overwork and extremely sad the whole week. School has been so slow, that I've almost lost interest in it all together, I'm not being challenged at all. But whatever, sociology has been the worst. We played telephone to see how rumors get distorted. Wow, I learned that in second grade. I wanted to just walk out of class it was so pointless. Nutrietion isn't as bad its just rudimentary. If i hadn't already learned this in physiology chemistry or anatomy then it would be fine but just taking the basics from all of those. I'll pass. My parents want me to take 12 units so I can get health benefits. Bleh, 12 units in that hell hole. Great...Plus work..
Work was a bunch of customers trying to tell me how to do my job. First of all if you have to bring your computer into the geeksquad you obviously suck. Don't tell me how to work just shut up and let me do my job. The less I have to talk to you the better. IF you have a nice open personality who just wants to learn fine but don't criticize me because you fail at knowing anything about your computer. But with that I just want a day off. But i got 3 more days till my next off. and I'm not ocming in on my days off next week they can F them selves. But oh well, I'm doing good at my job and thats all that matters.
volenteering at the hosipital has been unfullfilling, I just feel sorrowful after I'm done. This thursday was particularly bad, as ER I was packed and I would walk by and someone yelled at me for help. I can't legally do anything for them, and I just said sory I can't help you. yeah that sucked. I'm considering quitting as this sorrow has gone on for quite some time. I just feel bad for a day. Kirsten's mom doesn't say much to me anymore. I think that might be why I feel so bleh, I guess I'm just expecting something to happen. We got a new person now we have 3 people at our shift. I prefered two people as it kept me busier, now I'm training someone. They are old and they don't say much so I don't mind honestly. Its just less work for me do later which sucks. I'd rather keep busy.
I had a dream about Kirsten last night, my first one in a long time. I spent about 3 weeks forcing myself over her. That process generally gets me depressed, angry and anti social. I stop talking to God because I'm just filled with Rage. I let the darkness in and it just clouds everything. I just wasn't feeling like myself anymore and a couple of days ago, I started doing some heavy praying and reconnecting with God. and the dreams started happening again. Two nights in a row. They have been nice I'm not gonna lie. It seems when I turn to God I just get the overwhelming sense of hope for it. I donno why. I donno what to do at this point. I would just like to talk to her I guess, that would be super nice. Perhaps one day. Who knows, thats not really much a problem just an interesting predicament. Well, it is a problem, because I'll probably throw myself into that cycle of hate again.Ya know? I've done it before but its not the right way of doing things. I can always resort to the whatever happens will happens thought though Inever stick with it. Or I still think about these things.
Ok I have massive bags under my eyes. I honestly hope no one reads this, because I feel so whiney in a lot of my journals. But I guess I need to talk about things and thats what my journal is for. I just let everything out so you guys usually see me at my worst. I'm not like this at work or when with friends. I'm semi social. I get with a small group and I can have fun. Ok well, bye!
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