Well, my gut was right. Oh yeah, I'm getting better at these things. I had a feeling I was gonna see Kirstens mom on Thursday and I totally did. Haha. I was proud of my self I really was. It just seems like its one step after another ya know. The talk with her hit me pretty hard and it was mainly because I realized how little trust I have in God. If something doesn't go according to how I think it should be I tend to freak out and lose faith in what I'm doing. I went to the pharmacy dept. and she wasn't there so I was like **** I was wrong, this must not be right. I'm doing something wrong. Am I on the wrong path. I was running these thoughts through my mind the whole time. About 10 minutes before I go I run one last errand and run into her. Damn. Srsly. So I realzied that. While the talk we had was good because she said Kirsten was doing good. and some other things. Nothing to serious. But she asked me a lot of questions. Work = work school = bad. Nursing = no plan. Its very trouble some because I have been avoiding nursing. Its there right in front of me and I don't want anything to do wit hit. Its just there. I avoid it. Whats the plan for my future. I always have a plan for my future.
House sitting has been bad. I'm counting down the days. It ends on wensday. That leaves saturday sunday monday tuesday wensday. Saturday should go nice and easy. I got work and a meeting so I'll be gone for a bit. Not bad eh. yeah it is bad. But thats besides the poin. Next off. I work sunday. probably monday and tuesday. Wensday off more than likely. Leaving me with well. Ideally an easy time. Getting passed the mornings is the only hard for me after that I get every done pretty easy. 2 walks a day just to kill off her energy and make her go to bed. So she isn't always wanting to do something. Its a real drag let me tell ya.I'll nap tomorrow to help catch up on sleep.
Well thanks for listening
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