taking the past few days to let things settle down, I'm doing a bit better. But still a bit shaken and I guess it brought a few realizations forward for me. With that I guess things will settle down and I'll be back in the same spot I was before all the news. I've spent the past couple of days hanging out with my friend and we usually do our fair share of complaining. and we all feel better. I usually do but thats that. So with this, there isn't much to say. I've done plenty of venting over the past couple of days. I guess its just my stupid optimism that says everything will end up ok. Stupid optimism. Haha its all I got. Hope, never lose hope ya know. Its something I'm good at holding on to hope as you all have read with some of my situations :P Well good night all.
So I got up at around 11 today. Got ready for church, it was actually quite nice. My family had gone to an earlier service and I got to to go alone. And let me tell you I did enjoy it. While I enjoy going to church with my family they seem to have certain expectations, my mom likes to raise her hands in praise and dress nicely. I like to go there and meditate because of the atmosphere and other such things can get me in a meditative state. While i do this with my family it seem frowned upon because they think I'm not paying attention. Anywho, I got to really sit down, listen to a great message, open up my heart in prayer, and man I feel great. It had been about a month since I had been to church. I have renewed hope and confidence. Hooray.
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