Things have slowed down for the summer and thats actually kind of nice. I start up school this monday, which is bowling and weight lifting so I don't technically call it school. But we will take it for what it is. Haha. I have been drawing still not as much but its getting better each time. My lines are getting a lot more natural. Its been tough but I have been venturing out to try new things. I did this picture from a proile perspective. So it something I just kind of picked up on my own. And went with it. Profile Perspective it came out rather nice. She is kind of hot don't ya think :3 . I tried to use a different eye pattern. Normally I go with the cute round eyes. I went with more squared off eyes this time and tried ti display a sternness in her face also, but keeping her femininity. I guess. Wow is that it? Seems so. Well take care.
Ravirr Blog
Busy summer more drawings (They are getting better)
by Ravirr on Comments
Well I always like to start off with a little bit of music. Soo Spring Wind
Well, this summer has started off running and its been kind of enjoyable + or - a few parts. Worst part is I messed up my ear. I woke up and scratched my inner ear, and after that I have had just a bunch of pressure in that part of the ear. Weird, I've been taking NSAID's and some decongestants to see if that helps relieve symptoms its been doing ok, slowly getting better.update, just put a bunch of q tips down there and got enough wax to make a small candle... Gross...
Anyways, my brothers came and went, and it was fun to see them both mid year. We did the usual things and just hung out, nothing overly exciting but always fun. After that I drove down to LA to visit my brother...Yeah, I needed to get out of house and out from under my parents even if just for a little while. So I went to LA, and visited my brother. It was basically a staycation out of town. Yea, it was cool. Though I did get to go Arcade Infinity, and I would love to go back. There weren't any of the Blazblue or Super Street Fighter pro's there but there were people there, most of them around my level of play. Good but not great. Making it a lot of fun. I went 4-3 at super street fighter and 1-0 at blazblue Contium Shift (not yet released on consoles). Not bad for my first time :P (I was pretty nervous) . I only got a picture of the outside and no videos of me playing. But here it is, I got a video of my brother winning at Blazblue:CS but I forgot to give him my camera for when I went to play SF.
Arcade Infinity and the match
Ah, I finally got in part II of Clannad but I am not watching because of my messed up ear. Weird I know but I want to be able to just enjoy it, and take in the sights and sounds. With that I got in the Clannad OST (Notice I am in a Clannad phase in my life....) It really has been a great album. It was a wee bit expensive at 55$ but I could only find it at one vendor, so eh it was worth it. Its a great change of pace, with slower paced music, and a lot of emotional pieces.
Well since I was on vacation, I didn't get much drawing done, but I did start a picture and its taken me about a week in small 30 minute spurts to get this picture finalized. Its not perfect because I messed up the shading on the mid portion of the front section of hair, but it came out pretty solid. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself so far. I did another picture but that one was a lot of training and help me see what I was doing right and wrong. YOu can see on my photobuckeet if you choose to look for it. Catgirl
Ok we did lesson #2 and I think it came out well. With a little bit more guidance and some correction in what I am doing my pictures are beginning to look better. With his guidance I managed to do this picture. We are still focusing on the head of the body. We added in neck and shoulders to make a bust basically. So it was a little bit more this time and I got to ask a lot of question and show what I have been doing. So far progress is good. :3 I'm loving this.
Take care
Drawing Lessons started
by Ravirr on Comments
We'll start off with a little bit of music
So he started me off drawing a whole body, by looking a picture. He said this help me notice when I can do ok and can't do.
So this how it went
I had a lot of trouble with the left hand, so I just put in a behind the back stance.
We worked on faces last night. I have a lot of trouble with hair. Here is how that went
Ah, time to relax... for a few days
by Ravirr on Comments
Well, my brothers into town, the day after I finished with school. Which was nice. I have really been enjoying it. My oldest brother is heading out tomorrow morning. So then I am leaving Wensday to go visit my middle brother in Irvine, and stay there for four days. So that will be fun, I am pretty excited about it to be honest. So I get Monday and Tuesday all to myself. Which is pretty exciting for me. I get to finish up my anime and start a new series. Start up some of my RPG's and continue on with a lot of things I wanted to stat.My drawing lessons start on Tuesday night. I am excited for that.
I got myself some gifts for finishing my first year. I believe you need to treat yourself to something nice every so often. I bought some music (90$ worth) and some anime (100$) so it was a bit costly but I am in such a care free attitude to just enjoy life. I want to visit a friend in washinton this summer, and I might not even apply for a job at best buy. Just because I stopped caring about money(I'll have the rest of my life to work :3 ). I got a good chunk of change to last me a year, and I'll be ok.
Just about to finish up Clannad, and man it has been a great anime. And to my discovery there is a part 2. So I bought that. The part takes place in the future and appearntly is the better half, as the first half is mainly character development which is cool. I am all for that. So I am pretty excited for it, no reason not too. And new music is always welcome :)
Well, I finished Clannad part 1. I have one more episode to go but it doesn't pertain to the main storyline its an alternate timeline. This anime now holds a special place in my heart as it revived feelings I hadn't felt in along time and offered insight into my own self. Its strange how this little piece has affected me so much. I tend to look at people and couples and see the good, so I assume everything is perfect. But everyone has there struggles, obstacles and problems. They just may not project it. I tend to envy others, without knowing what going on. I envy others when I see just a small part of there world. This is what this anime showed me. It went through the story line of the characters, each one had a problem, in there past that affected them, and no one knew about it. I think it will help me relate to people better and get a better understanding of myself. Next it brought back those notions of true love. I had given up on. But the relationship built in this series, was just that. It was natural, innocent, a love that was well just about anyone wants. It brings me back to my days of being optimistic and full of hope for the world around me. Feelings I had forgotten. I donno, its just a good feeling I got from this anime. I know its silly but it really touched me, and brought me back to some of thoughts of who I was, a part of me I had forgotten. It was such a touching little love story and so much more. With that, the strong emphasis on family, and parents give up for there kids. What your close friends can do for you, and what is considered family. The relationship between Akio and Sanae really represented this in a strong way. It got me all emotional in the end. Haha, its just me probably. It was just what I needed. hehe.
I think the reason I loved it so much was the fact that I could relate to Nagisa. I am the low confidence, low self esteem person. I carry myself different than her but, I feel the same as she expresses herself. I rely on others like she did to help her. I did that all to often in nursing with my friend Larisa. Oh, why did it have to end and why isn't part two here yet! haha!
Clannad and blood+
by Ravirr on Comments
I recently finished the anime series blood + . it was pretty good but it dragged on too long. The characters were nice, a varied cast, but nothing out of the ordinary. It dragged on a little too long, but it was just two seasons and it had a lot to cover in that time. It could be because the second season slowed down a bit to add a bit to the character relationships.
I started up Clannad because I saw the art for it and thought it would just be a basic run of the mill anime. SOmething to pass the time while I am studying or something I can take a break with. But this anime has had me so attached the characters. Its a colorful cast, the art is rich, the music is fitting and really stands out. The dub is done well, the only problem is they still have a lot of japanese writing on things so I can't read those and I miss out on some of the jokes. The last episode had me crying all through it. I may be a big softy but its been awhile since a show has gotten me that attached to a characters life that it has moved me like that. I'm 10 episodes into it and I loving it. I would recommend it to anyone.
Two finals down 1 more to go. I'd like to start studying but I'm too emotional right :(
Anxiety building
by Ravirr on Comments
Sigh, with finals coming up tension is running high. I've become ultra defensive and easily aggitated. Its taking a toll on my Super Street Fighter abilities haha. Seriously it is, but thats ok it just pisses me off more then I quit and go study. Its been going rather rough as of lately. I kind of took the weekend half off and I feel ready to start hitting thebooks, I don't feel quite so burnt out. Its a good thing. I have been feeling pretty lonely and extremely anxious, with that my thoughts have turned to Kirsten again (sigh) I don't know why I do this but I guess its some sort of defense mechanism. Its been a mixed reaction this time around. Haha. I might contact her since I contacted and old friend last night and it was really nice to talk to her I've learned that just talking to friends helps me relax and it allows me to get thigns out. So its worth a shot, nothing to lose and some relaxation to gain. haha.
here is my good story for the weekend. My mother has a co worker who she is a good friend with, who has a daughter. they ahve decieded we need to hook up. So they formulated a horribly awkward plan to get us to meet. Which involved me fixing a computer, I knew this was a stupid ploy and well, I went a long anyways. I don't know why they are doing this it can only end horribly. If I don't take interest, that will cause problems, if we date and have the inevitable break up that will cause problems. Also I am not really interested in her. So its like yeah.... But thats that. I'm pretty pissed about the enite situation. Just another stressor that I don't need.
Feels good to write, just a few more weeks and I'll be enjoying somer :3
The Count on Monte Cristo
by Ravirr on Comments
Someone recommended this a long time ago on OT. I finally got around to starting it and its amazing. I am loving it, from the art the characters. It has me on the edge of my seat, it starts off at a fairly good pace but really picks up at the end. Its really cool. Its taken some big turns and twists and its left me cold, sorrowful, and on the edge of my seat. A true emotional experince from such a bitter sweet anime. I give it a thumbs up, will watch again later once I finish it.
I'm done with spring break, and lets just say I miss it. I miss it so much. Going back to school has been difficult, I am coming up to the end though, about 5 more weeks worth of school and its all over, till next year. I'm getting pretty burnt out and i just need some time off school. Its just soo much work. Though, I did just get my first A on a test. That was exciting. So thats cool.
I got some good Touhou in I am starting to learn the last level pretty well. I can't say great but I am starting to get it. THere a few levels still giving me a lot of problems, but I am slowly working through it. I got some of the extra difficult "do this for fun" levels down. Those are a blast and extremely challenging. I'll be posting up a few of those videos later. I just gotta record them. On that note I am thinking of getting a capture card to record some stuff.
by Ravirr on Comments
Well, about two weeks I discovered this crazy looking bullet hell game, called Impershible Night - Touhou 8 . Part of the Touhou series of games. Last level . I loved the music I love the crazyness of it, but was afraid of it. I finally got it a few days ago, and man it is frustratingly fun. I'm starting off on the lower difficulties to help train myself to get up to the last level. I'm liking it. I went and downloaded all the OST's for the games and they have been a welcomed addition. I can't say they are great by an stretch of the imagination, but they scratch an itch that I have had. With just a straight up faced paced music, from one song to the next. Song of the Night Sparrow . So its been a lot of fun.
Finally started working my back log. I had to put ROF on a slight hold while I studied for ****s, because I know it can get me pretty involved in that game. So I stepped back from it and started playing We Love Katamari, it was a lot of fun and just a quick game I could play. I beat it, and going from there I got a few more things to do just to iron out the last set of achievements. I've started up my run through of dead space, and will continue on from there as needed. So with that its begun to shorten the list. Hehe.
I got an 82 on my last theory test. It was my test taking abilities that held me back, but thats ok as I got a great grade. My theory grade is now a 74 and thats a bit more comfortable I need another 80 to bring me into a good range for finals. After that I just gotta work my butt off for finals and I shall be good. I don't think the next three tests will be bad just gotta work my arse off and do good. hehe. I'm gaining confidence in myself and thats helping out my testing. I got to put in a catheter yesterday (w00t) that was cool. Now its spring break. So I get a week off to study.
I want to do a complete revamp of my page here. New sig new banner, and then I'll post up the new opening picture. I still love my avatar so I can't change that. Its needed. I got a good picture for my banner. Then I think I'll go with an ROF picture for my sig. We shall see what works and what doesn't.
I got a contact from someone about making a fightstick template for him. He liked my Sakura one. so thats cool. After I agreed, he sent some info on what he wants. He is like well I like Chun-li and Ibuki, so I want them in here and I am becoming an EMTO so I want something related to that. ( I was like ok he seems like an ok guy this should go well) oh yeah and I love smoking weed, so I want something that in there. *facepalm* I laughed and I haven't started on it, but have been running through some basic designs in my head. So we shall see how it goes. He is pretty excited for it so thats cool.
Well thats just about everything. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
New opening picture?
by Ravirr on Comments
I finally got a little bit of artistic vision. It was good to learn some new stuff as I do with every time I do a bit of photoshopping. I haven't posted this one up as the new opeing picture buti will. Its a pretty basic design, I am trying to learn how to use white space to an advantage I think this worked out. Its not very busy and pretty simple design, I tried to keep it like science with the star's and green and in the background. I guess thats science right? Ema loves science. Anyways, she is one of my favorite characters from Pheonix Wright Series, so its only fittign she gets put in. I am gonna revamp my banner next. I thinks going to be ROF or possible blazblue related. The sky is the limit. I wouldn't mind having Tao up there haha.
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