@playstationzone: I spend more time in multiplayer games and my friends are on Xbox. Those games aren’t exclusives. I finished TLOU, UC4, Until Dawn and a couple of others. After that, I needed funds for other priorities so I sold it. Wishing I wouldn’t have needed to but I did at the time.
God of War, Detroit: Become Human, and Spider-Man this year, I need to get a PS4 again. My PSN is still good and I’ve been getting the free games monthly, but I sold my Pro around Christmas. Supposedly 2 yrs out from PS5, so I may just need to get a regular PS4 on sale for now.
And this is literally the only area holding Microsoft behind Sony. People choose PlayStation for those epic single-player experiences they can’t get on Xbox.
Couldn’t get past the user agreement screen on Xbox the last two days. Maybe it’ll work today. Tried all the work arounds. Apparently a lot of people with the same issue.
@bdrtfm: My argument is put in some effort. No participation trophies. Winning is for those who practice to play better. You don't have to be the best and that's the beauty of Destiny. But for a cooperative team based Nightfall, you can work together to complete the mission and survive. There's plenty of other content in Destiny that can be played casually...normal strikes, patrols, story missions, even the Crucible. It has something for everyone.
As far as load outs, they didn't specifically say it would apply to Nightfalls, but if it does then it's not a "play how we tell you" scenario. You can choose your own loadout from gear you've acquired. So be tactical about it. Coordinate with your fire team before you go in. Don't have time? Ok. Don't like to talk to others when you use LFG for a Nightfall? Ok Can't be bothered to be challenged? Ok. This game mode is not for you, but some of us want that.
Oh, to your playing a pattern Pacman argument, c'mon. Anyone can post any number of strategies that work to beat a strike or a raid and if everyone does their part, it'll work like a pattern every. single. time. That's not a valid argument. Only mechanics that change the map or how the boss or enemies operate every match can be considered random and require different strategies. Destiny doesn't do that, but it still allows for many ways to utilize your strengths with your character so that you and your team do play differently.
@bdrtfm: There has essentially been a timer on Nightfalls for months (maybe longer) already. Everyone wanted to run it in time to complete the bounty and the timer was/is 30 minutes. True, it's optional and this sounds like it won't be but I'm guessing it'll be 30 minutes. I'm all for it. No one is making you run a Nightfall, but if you do then you're going to need to play enough to learn the weapons, the classes, and the gear to be effective...as well as look out out for the guy next to you and play smart rather than just kill til you die, respawn, keep going....mind numbing boring and worth complaining about for a high level activity like a Nightfall was meant to be. I'm an average player and I'm sure I'll wipe and get frustrated quite a bit, but that makes the victory all the more satisfying. It's why Y1 players look back on that time period so fondly. Of course, it depends on how they manage the rest of the game but I think this is a step in the right direction.
Bitch. Moan. Repeat. Y1 players reminisce on the days of old when Nightfalls were more difficult because you got booted to orbit if the fire team died, making it more challenging and more rewarding. That threat changes how you played it. You had to communicate and use strategy. Then they made it easy and people bitched and longed for the good ole days. Now they implement that mechanic again and the players moan that it's lazy design and too demanding of their time. If there's one thing I've learned, the vocal minority just wants a reason to complain. It's a Nightfall. It was meant to be difficult. It makes the loot that much more rewarding and the sense of accomplishment that much more grand. I see complaints about how they could implement tougher mechanics instead, but how do you know they haven't? And bet your ass, if they kept it easy like it was watered down to in D1, people would be crying about that, too. How about calm your tits and give them a chance, or don't play if all you can do is criticize? Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you!
Reagan2791's comments