This is all my opinion: 60's: The Velvet Underground and Nico- The Velvet Underground The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds 70's: David Bowie- The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars Nick Drake- Pink Moon 80's: The Smiths- Meat is Murder REM- Murmur 90's: Slowdive- Souvlaki Belle and Sebastian- If You're Feeling Sinister 2000's: At The Drive In- Relationship of Command Radiohead- Kid A 2010's- Too early to say
I'll do a top 10 -Scottish Accent -Scouse (liverpool) Accent -Essex Accent (thank you Glitchspot for joining these two together) -Mancunian Accent -French Accent -African American Accent -Australian Accent -Spanish (preferably Castillian) Accent -Swedish Accent -Cantonese Accent
Holland 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel is based on the diary of Anne Frank. Invalid Litter Dept. by At The Drive-In is based on an actual series of murders of mexican female factory workers
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