Wow. I mean, I've seen comedy like this where someone acts like an idiot in public like Jackass, Tom Green, or Remi Galliard, but anything they did was usually more "annoying" than harmful. This guy is just an a-hole, and one day someone will beat the crap out of him, and he will deserve it.
Just looking at her makes me sick. I bet the amount of calories she eats in a day could feed a starving African village. Aside from that, she has no real world experience, she doesn't know anything.
My theory is ignorance. A lot of people I've talked to who dislike electronic music think that all electronic music is made with software, which it isn't. Some also claim that music software "takes no talent to use", which is not the case at all. If that were true, any amateur with no musical knowledge could make great music. So what's your theory on "why people hate electronic music"?
lool i used to work at a day care center so i would always watch that show and then have convo's with the kids in there lol. wuts wrong with regular show I know, I love that show
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