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please someone tell me how to post a fvckin picture in a forum. It never works no matter wtf I do. I am pissed.
[QUOTE="Reed_Bowie"]I'd say the biggest problem with the combat is the fact that the enemies take too much damage, and Max Payne takes too little damage. It's not rare to shoot an enemy 5-6 times, only to have him, not only survive, but continue shoot at you.yearssomuch[QUOTE="Reed_Bowie"] Max Payne 3's story is pretty generic with some significant plot holes. I felt that in Max Payne 2, the story was much deeper and even went on a psychological level. In Max Payne 3, I felt that Max was just complaining the whole time about how he always messes up and is going to mess up. Btw, I play on the normal difficulty with free aim, so if you think "normal" is "difficulty too easy", than I don't know what to tell you. And if you have the ability to slow down time, zoom in, and shoot, there really is no point of a lock-on system. If someone is that inexperienced that they can't aim with all those aids, they really shouldn't be shooter games. Enemies only take one bullet to kill if you get a head-shot. And later on in the game, armored enemies can take two head-shots. Max Payne dies very quickly, in some cases, only four shots. And btw, your insult at the end is pretty childish, so I don't feel the need to respond to it with more childish name-calling. Wait, I thought one of your main gripes was that enemies take too much damage to kill? Now you're openly admitting that they go down in 1-2 shots to the head, depending on whether or not they're wearing a helmet. You can call it 'childish name-calling' if you'd like, but you really are a joke.. and a hypocrite at that. I was referring to non-head shots in my first post. If you don't get a headshot, the enemy can easily take 5-6 shots. I'm not being hypocritical at all. I'm just saying, an enemy should die quicker from torso shots. To kill an enemy quicker, one would need to take time to get headshots, which can make the combat harder than it needs to be. And I'm not even going to dignify your childish behavior with a response. If you can't debate without insulting the other person, that's honestly pretty sad.
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