So you're bashing the PC because you can have fun with the game in a thousand different ways?Link
Available in 1280x720 HD. The latest trailer for upcoming downloadable content for Bioware's hit RPG, Dragon Age: Origins, showcasing some of the exciting new features and challenges that await players.
PC>>>>consoles 8) :lol:
Revan_911's forum posts
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]i am thinking about watching a playtrough but i am afraid i might get spoiled the "story" to much:P What about the dialogues? Would you say that the amount of dialogues is the double or triple of the combat just like the previous game? Also do the npcs tell you long, long ,long borring stuff or there is some cinematic feeling. Eg i watched some videos that the dialogues are more cinematic and the characters move a bit and dont stand still and move their lips while in a dialogue. I would say double, but if you really want to go all the way and talk to every teammate on the Normandy after the mission it's triple. And get this the best missions so far were missions given by the teammates, so to get them you need to talk about their life 2-3 times, because they won't tell their whole tale in one painfull go, so you need to talk to the companion, then come back after you recruited another companion and check if he will reveal to you something more about his terribly interesting life, and then give you the mission. Some of these "companion missions" were really good they are the highpoint of the game really. But the companions are dull, and they talk and talk and talk. Most of the time they stand still, but sometimes if you're really lucky they will stroll left and right. [QUOTE="Doom_HellKnight"]So you purchased a sequel to a game you don't like. How intelligent. I suggest you go and play something else, and stop bothering the people that enjoy the game... These forums are for discussing PC games i don't see how I'm bothering you, you're welcome to ignore me.[QUOTE="dakan45"] Combat is better but repetitive. And there's no Mako for the game to have a little diversions along the way, it's 30% shooting 60% dialogue 10% acupuncturing planets (don't even ask). Level design is better. I don't know man play it at a friend or something or watch some gameplay vids.
I don't know in what context you say that, but ME is all flash and fluff . I mean motion capture dialogue, really ? If the dialogue is written well people will be interested you don't need people walking around in motion capture studio to make dialogue, it's a nice addition but as i said this game is all flash . And what if there's tons of dialogue? Does that make the dialogue more meaningful? No it doesn't. In this game you go around and say Hi to random people and they give you their life story. In games like Silent Hill there is very little dialogue but every bit of it is meaningful.[QUOTE="Revan_911"][QUOTE="Penguinchow"]If you're more into flash and fluff than great storytelling then suredakan45
What he said, the whole game is blah, blah, blah. For most of the time is meaningless, if mass effect 2 is like that too, i wont be buying. Is it? Or it has been improved. What about combat and level design?
Combat is better but repetitive. And there's no Mako for the game to have a little diversions along the way, it's 30% shooting 60% dialogue 10% acupuncturing planets (don't even ask). Level design is better. I don't know man play it at a friend or something or watch some gameplay vids.If you're more into flash and fluff than great storytelling then surePenguinchowI don't know in what context you say that, but ME is all flash and fluff . I mean motion capture dialogue, really ? If the dialogue is written well people will be interested you don't need people walking around in motion capture studio to make dialogue, it's a nice addition but as i said this game is all flash . And what if there's tons of dialogue? Does that make the dialogue more meaningful? No it doesn't. In this game you go around and say Hi to random people and they give you their life story. In games like Silent Hill there is very little dialogue but every bit of it is meaningful.
INCREDIBLY BORING!!! This is the most boring game I've played since ME1. All you do is run around and gather teammates you're never going to use anyway. Nothing ever happens in this game, it's just go on a random planet recruit a random dude who is not interesting in any way and shoot some stuff in the proceess. Repeat arround 20 times and you Get ME2! Also Bioware writers must think they are the child of Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith. I mean they're forcing you to sit trough so much dialogue they must be so proud of it.
I wanna play games on my console not violate it.first of all i would like to point out that i have owned both console's, but choose to keep the ps3 for these reason's. i bought my ps3 slim about a month ago and cannot say how impressed i am. first of all as soon as you get it out of the box the quality hit's you in the face- the sturdyness of the plastic case, the perfectly flush fitting of the plastics and the lovely feel of the whole console that tell's you straight away that this is not a budget machine unlike the cheap, tacky feel of the xbox 360. when you start it up it is almost silent and the button's have a smooth quality feel with uber cool micro light's to tell you the machine is switched on and that a disc is loaded. and did i mention the beauty that is the disc slot instead of a 20th century disc tray. .
try to rent both, 1-2 days are enough to finish the campaingsNLahrenHow exactly does one rent PC games? As for TC I'm looking forward to them both, I'm getting Stalker on release date (everyone say that it's bug free unlike previous stalker games)
Umm get a PC?the reason why i never got into halo 3 is because i loathe controllers for my fps-ers. truth be told, i barely tolerate them in 3rd person shooters. hell, in any game where shooter mechanics come into play i have trouble with.
again, i hate controllers in fps-ers. i see more and more people on pc forums asking if *such-and-such* game supports controllers. i think we should demand console shooters support keyboards and mice!
yes i am handicapped if i must play with a controller. yes i am retarded. i am unable to adapt to controller play. however i do and can perform surgery with mouse and keyboard. if im using a mouse i can shoot you in the face five times before you hit the floor. if im using a controller, i shoot the wall first, because of my handicap i end up missing the headshot and then i shoot your leg because i tried to hit your chest but you were moving and i am bad at tracking with a controller. next thing you know, your buddy just shot me in the face because i was busy trying to kill you when you should have already been dead. and you would have been dead if they allowed me to play with the proper tools.
so now we have a case of discrimination on our hands all because you wont allow me to use the proper tools to do my killing. why must i conform to YOUR ways of doing things. i thought it was about freedom and...something else, i forget.
seriously, all i am really curious to know is who thinks mouse/keyboard> gamepad for their shooters? that is all.
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