Are you sure it's similar problem? I don't have Crysis installed but i remember as you move trees near you would just flash and rocks would pop up and stuff did the same happen to you ?
I don't think it's a Video card problem or Video driver problem, because i used to have 9600 GT and i also tried different drivers with clean install.
(watch in hq and full screen pls or it's not noticable)
People tell me that it's normal but i noticed 50 pop ups - texture flicker just by moving ten feet.It's like my computer can't render this stuff nicely. Is everyone like this? I also get this on Crysis and other games too.
Ive upgraded to GTX 260 since posting this. Didn't really fix anything.
And yes im sorry i just typed upload in google and that site came up. Here i uploaded a new video of Far Cry 2, same problem as hitman...and most of the games. Just watch in HQ pls it's not really noticable on youtube.
Hey thanks, but i chouldn't find those drivers on that page. I am i school now but when i get home i will install older drivers.
Look if this was the way it supposed to be i would just quit bothering everyone. But when i got my PC, Crysis and Far Cry 2 and all games ran without a glitch. It was as smooth as it can get. Obviosly something went wrong with my computer. I just want to play again smoothly again. Pls if someone has an idea tell me. Can it be that something is dragging down my GPU or something..or something...i don't really know computers really well. Pls someone help me.
Oh i forgot ,have u tried XFX's driver? No, but i cant find it...Can you tell me where to download it?
tone down the res and details Tried it, it's still the same. maybe update the drivers
I am using the newest i downloaded from Nvidia Site.
Btw ,i notice this only with crysis and farcry2. I think that there's a console command to override this ,ie : increase the detail distance ,but it'll impact the performance heavily. U can google it . But other than that ,i don't think u can do anything about it
And I've tried tampering with the console, i changed view distance and other similar commands to 100, 150, 1000, 10, nothing changed.No it's not just Far Cry 2 and Crysis. It's Hitman, too GTA IV, 5 of 6 games i have installed now. Here i made another video of Hitman 4. It's not very notecable on youtube quallity but you can spot it
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