The most probable cause is bad Hard Drive (or so I've been told a min ago) Can i test my Hard Drive somehow? I tried testing for errors on both disks using that windows option but nothing came up. Maybe there is some other third party sowtware i can use?
Revan_911's forum posts
No :Dmybe you accidentaly pressed "record" in fraps or something lol that happens to me sometimes
It's somewhere between 50 and 60 degrees.Could be your graphics card is getting too hot.
I am using Vista 64. I said that i tried with XP.strange you should not have any problems with that setup
but you are using xp cmon use windows 7 or vista
I tried it's not the anti virus i disabled it. And no background program is running.None at all.Agreed, that is strange. What background processes do you have running? Could a virus scanner be scanning game files before they are loaded? Might be worth disabling your anti-virus temporarily to see what happens.
I have tried some older drivers but not 181. I will thanks and post back reply. My PSU is Coolermaster Silent Pro 700WThere is absolutely nothing wrong with xp so that is a moot point previous poster.Have you tried different drivers OP,the 185 series are dreadfull and i have GTX 260 in SLI,try the 181 series.Edited to add i was having stuttering problems in oblivion and bioshock but reverting back to older drivers fixed the problem.And what brand is your PSU?
I have 4 gigs or ram, q6600, GTX 260 and 700w PSU. I also forgot to mention that this happens regardless of what setting i put everything on low or everythinh on high.
It seems when i play open world games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Oblivion when i move arround the games stutter every 10-15 seconds. It's a one second holdback and it's really annoying. I also had this on Far Cry 2, but i changed to DX 9 setting in the game and it stopped. Is there something wrong with the games or my PC? I tried defragmenting and installing my old windows XP, but it was the same.
These willl be minimun requirementst for Sims 3
* Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
* 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
* 1 GB RAM
* At least 6.5 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content
* 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
And that is why this game will make money thats all I'm sayin.
They are blaming piracy for bad sales, but they should blame them self.More and more games don't get a PC version. Yes there is piracy on the PC but there is as much of it on the X360.
What i would do is tone down the requirements. If the X360 can run it flawlessly i don't see why a three year old computer can't. People can't buy a new graphic card every year to play your crappy unoptimized games. This and at least make the games playable on mouse and keyboard and im sure PC games would sell more.
The original Silent Hill. The whole game is scary. When i played the game i didn't want to play it i was too scared, i felt physical pain,when i finished playing i was to scared to move, but i kept playing. The moment with the cat jumping out of the locker made me scream loud. Woke up everyone.
Buut i was a little kid back then on my PS.Most recent scary game i have played is Penumbra (both of them).
I tried that. Have you any idea what's causing it. If it's a faulty gpu how do i check? If it's some other hardware how do i check? Help :(
The paid up version of Everest Ultimate ( has hooks that will tell you your GPU temp but that involves spending money and it's potentially not what's going wrong.
Oh. That's too bad. But i don't think a faulty cooler i bought the card recently. When i touch my computer where the graphic card is it's a little hot, but i think it's normal theese cards create heat.
it looks completely fine to me. maybe i've been gaming a lot longer than you but, if you are talking about what i think you are talking about, in old games you would see this all the time. you could often literally see a circle around you where outside it everything got about 5 degrees more blurry. There is no way any hardware can proces textures at high quality for the entire game world (and there is no need to do so) so afaik there are always sort of virtual circles around you that act as a boundaries between different levels of rendering quality. These circles have gotten substantially larger and less noticeable with better technology but if you look for it you should find it in just about any game with a larger view distance.
I don't think i am talking about, what you think i'm talking about. Here i made another video and don't tell me that this is normal.
watch in hq pls.
I accept...
I changed resolution to lowest possible, it didn't do any help. The thing is i didn't notice this before, and i would have trust me. I did a PSU Change i changed Windows and then i started noticing it . Tried rechanging PSU and windows and it didnt't do much good .
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