[QUOTE="shadow_hosi"][QUOTE="Avian005"]It's official. You have not played the game.you ever believed he did? Stop giving him attention, it's just what he wants. There are so many better ways to get attention man. I'm just being honest. And i played the game i gave proof in that locked thread of mine, look it up.Verge_6
Revan_911's forum posts
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]At least one professional critic has some sense left.skinny_man_69You really don't like being a part of a minority do you? Well the majority of my class thinks "Never Back Down" is the greatest movie ever made. So i would gladly stay out of the majority.
Really hit the weak spot there....oh wait you didn't.[QUOTE="Revan_911"][QUOTE="shadow_hosi"] no more 'shallow' than kotorSparkyProtocol
ME2 is deeper than KOTOR, but what do I know.... :roll:
Are you kidding? Battlefield earth is deeper than ME2. Travolta in it is hysterical. And yes I'm serious.I know it's cheaper. Everyone knows that. On what other system can you buy 18 next gen games for 99$?alright since the last thread conoslites werent understanding it fully, here it goes again: pc gaming is much cheaper;
pc: about $800 including moniter speakers and everything which will still blow consoles out of the water + games at release cost $50 in steam and as low as $2
console: $300 + $1300 for t.v.+ $80 for games at release ($69.99 + %13 tax)
(and i know what consolite r gonna say "buh buh evry onez haz a t.v.'z" well everyone has to have a computer. i mean how are u even viewing this thread right now?)
obviously u can see that pc is cheaper, heck even if u upgrade $100 bucks a year, it will still be cheaper
so please, in the future, please do not play that old "pc gaming costs $5345 and consoles cost $300!!!" card again because U R WRONG!
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]Well you could have fooled me. Nice presentation that's all. The game is shallow beneath all that.shadow_hosino more 'shallow' than kotor Really hit the weak spot there....oh wait you didn't.
Why are people arguing here? It's not like the video review was saying DI is bad because it's not GOW . He gave very clear reasons why this game sucks.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]So it fails? Well that's what happens when you try to consolise one of the best PC shooters. xhawk27
Do you think it'll be any better if it had been a PC exclusive?
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