Oh sweet irony, how you amuse me so. What's so ironic ?[QUOTE="Revan_911"]Blog it. And no i don't agree with you GTA IV easily the best in the series.Vaasman
Revan_911's forum posts
Blog it. And no i don't agree with you GTA IV easily the best in the series.Does anybody actually care anymore? I've realised my hype for the series isn't half of what it used to be. I know I was initially very happy that the episodes were coming to the PS3, but on second thought I'm just meh about it (heh, you always want what you can't have, eh?).
Both this gen and last gen, GTA happened to be the game that made me want a next-gen console. I remember seeing pics of GTAIII in magazines and then looking at my used and abused N64 and extremely outdated PC. I realised the two would just not do and it was time to invest in a PS2 and so I did - and good times were had. Next came Vice City, and again I was like OMG WTF, and bought it for the PS2. A little while later I got myself a new PC and acquired both GTAIII and Vice City for it - the latter game easily being one of my favourites of all time. San Andreas came out, I wanted it, and it was also grand.
So, roll round this gen, and again I was looking on the internet at pics of GTAIV. We all remember those times. It looked freaking unbelievable and I felt a strong feeling of deja vu as I knew it was time again to buy a new, next-gen console. So I did, but this time it felt quite underwhelming compared to before. I mean it was fun, but let's face it, the first quarter of the game's missions were practically tutorials and I don't remember a single fresh experience in GTAIV. Of course the graphics, gameplay mechanics and physics were far superior to what the game offered before, but the missions were so repetitive with that luke-warm same-old, same-old feeling. Plus the framerate issues on consoles were gross compared to Vice City on PC.
If anybody remembers back to '98, the first time you stole someone's car in the original GTA and then backed up and rolled the original driver over - lulz were to be accrued. I was like 12 then and it gave us all such a giddy feeling playing that awesome sandbox game with unlimited freedom. The missions were awesome, too, and it was so innovative, you had played nothing like it. Go to a pay-phone and get a job for a criminal, it was one of a kind. But we've been doing that since '98 now (or most of us, since GTAIII - 2001), get to a payphone, get a job, steal a car, kill this guy, kill that guy, deliver this, etc. I just think that the novelty of the series has worn off and the more realistic (boring) approach Rockstar took with IV has someone reinforced this feeling. I'm sure the next GTA will be a good game, but to me it's not nearly the killer ap it used to be and is just another game on the market. Anybody else feel the same?
Half Life. I only played Halo 1 about the time when it came out and i wasn't impressed.My personal favorites are metroid prime series and the halo series
Mass Effect is one of the worst shooters I've ever played, it doesn't hold a candle to Uncharted.RichardStallmanYes that's true about ME1.They will convince you that ME2 is equal to UC2 but don't believe them. It's still stiff, uninspired, there are more weapons but all of them are unsatisfactory.
3D realms are the John Dillinger of the industry then.
Actually, the shooting in Mass Effect 2 is much better than Uncharted 2... I was completely blown away by Uncharted 2 (like many people) but Mass Effect 2 is a much better game over-all than Uncharted 2...[QUOTE="SionPT"]
[QUOTE="Revolution316"]LOOOLLLL Mass effect 2 is a garbage shooter compared to uncharted 2. are you freakin kidding me....
EDIT: Mass Effect 2 is an RPG AND a better action adventure than Uncharted 2, hands down, there's really no contest here... from a narrative perspective ME2 makes Uncharted 2 seem rediculously short but also utterly banal by comparison...
Better shooting? you gotta be kidding, whats next? better cover?
the shooting is MAss effect is awkward and the flow on the cover is everything but smoth, the gunplays feels slow...
Mass effect is a lot, but no way in hell is better shooter than U2, no to mention Mass effect 2's plot isnt that big a deal compared to some sci fi plots ve seen..
Talk about exagerration...
WHy is it I don't believe you know much about the plot, because you probably never played the original game to completion or the 2nd. I find it especially hilarious that you are knocking on ME's plot, while defending U2... lol....
[/QUOTE Mass Effect's plot aint nothing. They ripped off Star Trek and Star Wars, Babylon 5 and many other franchises. But mostly they ripped themselfs off. Ancient evil that seeks to destroy all life and you are a part of a special group and only you can stop them = every bioware game plot. Think about it. Geth = Borg (they even do the assimilation thingy ) Krogan = Klingon Spectre = Jedi (The whole counsles scene was a big and i say BIG rip of from when you become a Jedi in KOTOR. It was totally the same thing find a video somewhere. It's even the same dialogue. In kotor you ask why don't they sent the entire fleet to find the Star Forge. The counsel says that a small group would work better and it would be more covert. Sounds familiar?) And well people seem to thing that everything is well thought off and detailed because there's a whole book (codex) on the universe. So what? Anyone can write a bunch of nonsense and rip off already existing franchises and fill a big book of it.Ah these kids.......on the same day and were reviewed by the same person, Mass Effect 2 would have the higher score. All I can say about this game is WOW... never before has a story or a desicion meant so much. I hope you cows get a chance to play this game because it is just incredible, yes, more so than Uncharted. My opinion.
It's not about doing something different, it's about laziness from the writers. How would you feel if you bought let's say a Zelda game, and they say well you're gonna save the princess in the sequel, but for now gather ten random coins scattered across the world (Bad analogy maybe haven't played Zelda since the NES.)[QUOTE="Revan_911"][QUOTE="88mphSlayer"]
well it's pretty simple really, ME1 had a direct story structure:point A to point B
and any side missions largely explored some mysterious stuff going on in the background, stuff that was largely unimportant
ME2 has a story structure much like Dragon Age: point A diverges to sub-points A-infinity then comes together to point B
that kind of story structure makes side missions much more important, if not the core of the story itself (much like Empire Strikes Back was not about taking down the Empire but was about character development)
both have their own advantages/disadvantages, obviously Bioware has been trying to make side missions a larger part of their games rather than simply something the player does to jump off the rails and get a little variety for variety's sake, which style you like it totally up to taste, nothing wrong with either structure
i really like both games (ME1 and ME2) and i'm glad they tried to do something different, imo it made the ME universe a lot more interesting
honestly i don't really get into Zelda
it's not really lazy writing though, it's simply focusing your attention away from the concept to the detail and letting the detail paint the bigger picture
Gathering party characters had nothing to do with the bigger picture. At the end, most of my crew survived, but i hear that there is an option where all of them die. So what then in ME3? Completely new party? See my point ? In ME1 or any RPG for that matter gathering the crew/party is done during the main adventure. You just meet them and if you like them you recruit them. In this game bioware forgot about a main adventure and all you do is gather party members. (90% of the game )
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