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#1 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

My teacher is making us read and respond to an article about sex, and I read this

"It's a matter of survival to know if your partner has had sexual experiences with homosexuals, bisexuals, or drug abusers, or if he or she has had casual sex without knowing much about the other person."

Is it me, or are they essentially saying gays are as dirty as drug abusers? I find that quite startling, but not surprising. I constantly see Christian ideals in Health classes all the time. I mean absitenance program? Come on. Evangelicals should not hold positions on the school board.


No, no, you're missing the picture. Without getting graphic, the way homosexuals... have intercourse involves the... uh... exchange of blood... you get the idea. In other words, they are at greatest risks of sharing AIDS, it's fact. Also, drug abusers often share needles, another common risk of AIDS. Pretty much, if you're swapping blood, even a tiny bit, you're at risk. This has NOTHING to do with Christian ideals, it's simple facts.

I am quite familiar with homosexual intercourse (not because I've had it, though), and not all homosexual sex involves the exchange of blood. Not all homosexual intercourse involves the exchange of any body fluid. This is another stereotypical homophobic belief.

Well, it seems silly to argue facts. The numbers are backed by statistics, and if you know how homosexuals engage in intercourse then common sense will tell you how they are more susceptable to STD's. It has nothing to do with stereotyping.

You missed my post about statistics, obviously. Statistics are part of junk science. Do you believe in evolution or creationism? There are scientists who have some sort of scientific evidence to back both of them up, so are we going to assume that they're BOTH right? Nope. In the same sense, we must understand that it's these scientists that come up with all these statistics. You can go off of numbers that could've very well been manipulated and twisted if you want, but I prefer a more insightful existence with a bit more fact in my life.

In my experience, people who ignore statistics are ignorant and won't accept any argument other than those who blindly agree with them. So you think that U.S. Health Classes and statistical analaysis is in on some giant conspiracy with the Christian church to try and make high school kids afraid to be gay due to AIDS. Sure, that's a lot more logical than simply looking up and cross examining statistics from reputable government sources.

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#2 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
Another useless religion thread. There are a bunch of good recent religion threads with a LOT of useful information, go check them out.
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#3 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I'm sure they will, gaming is money.

Btw, iGame is actually pretty clever.

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#4 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I truly believe that most anti depressants do not work very well prescribed by doctors

and can lead some people to be mentally unstable, or worsen there condition.

Some people only find enjoyment to go on in life searching for there next "fix".

do you believe people with major depression should turn to drugs to keep them from suicidingly kill themselves or

just live in complete misery?



lmao how'd i miss that?

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#5 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

My teacher is making us read and respond to an article about sex, and I read this

"It's a matter of survival to know if your partner has had sexual experiences with homosexuals, bisexuals, or drug abusers, or if he or she has had casual sex without knowing much about the other person."

Is it me, or are they essentially saying gays are as dirty as drug abusers? I find that quite startling, but not surprising. I constantly see Christian ideals in Health classes all the time. I mean absitenance program? Come on. Evangelicals should not hold positions on the school board.


No, no, you're missing the picture. Without getting graphic, the way homosexuals... have intercourse involves the... uh... exchange of blood... you get the idea. In other words, they are at greatest risks of sharing AIDS, it's fact. Also, drug abusers often share needles, another common risk of AIDS. Pretty much, if you're swapping blood, even a tiny bit, you're at risk. This has NOTHING to do with Christian ideals, it's simple facts.

I am quite familiar with homosexual intercourse (not because I've had it, though), and not all homosexual sex involves the exchange of blood. Not all homosexual intercourse involves the exchange of any body fluid. This is another stereotypical homophobic belief.

Well, it seems silly to argue facts. The numbers are backed by statistics, and if you know how homosexuals engage in intercourse then common sense will tell you how they are more susceptable to STD's. It has nothing to do with stereotyping.

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#6 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
When you're talking about drugs, 'legitamite reason' should not be in the same sentence. Is depression a reason that some people turn to drugs? Of course! Saying it's a legitamite reason makes it sounds like it would be socially accepted due to those circumstances.
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#7 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

My teacher is making us read and respond to an article about sex, and I read this

"It's a matter of survival to know if your partner has had sexual experiences with homosexuals, bisexuals, or drug abusers, or if he or she has had casual sex without knowing much about the other person."

Is it me, or are they essentially saying gays are as dirty as drug abusers? I find that quite startling, but not surprising. I constantly see Christian ideals in Health classes all the time. I mean absitenance program? Come on. Evangelicals should not hold positions on the school board.


No, no, you're missing the picture. Without getting graphic, the way homosexuals... have intercourse involves the... uh... exchange of blood... you get the idea. In other words, they are at greatest risks of sharing AIDS, it's fact. Also, drug abusers often share needles, another common risk of AIDS. Pretty much, if you're swapping blood, even a tiny bit, you're at risk. This has NOTHING to do with Christian ideals, it's simple facts.

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#8 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Nice, informative post detailing your side. Its a shame that most religion threads don't generate anything other than "lolz gods not real", but this is a good one...that being said, I still take issue with a part of it.

Interpretation of The Bible is tricky business...when we truly had no means to learn otherwise, most people probably truly did think that Adam & Eve were the first humans, and that the world is but 6000 years old. Now that things like this can be disproved, people are nowtaking parts of The Bible symbolically and allegorically. If we'd never been able to learn otherwise, I don't doubt we would not be doing that. It basically means that The Bible can be molded to fit any scenario where inconsistincies may show up.

So if The Bible can be twisted to fit anything modern humanity takes issue with, then really, what value does the book still have?

There are lots of good morals and interesting stories to be taken from The Bible...it'd be shame if it all became worthless.


Well, like I said, I don't think it's possible for our motal mind at this evolutionary state (using this tiny percentage of our brains) will be able to completely and fully grasp the full picture, but like I said, I still believe it's a Christian's duty to try. To challenge and question things so they can find answers for themselves.

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#9 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Scientist are currently coming up with ways for a human to essentially live forever and fix this wear and tear issue.


Live forever, eh? Please tell me you're trying to be funny.

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#10 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

I agree that people can do some pretty bad things. I think, though, that they do these things as a result of essentially good motives or good natures. For example, most of history's most prolific killers ever have been isolated from society; without companionship, they were able to do terrible things. They were alone and without that essential connection to the rest of humanity, individuals may inflict great harm upon others and not truly realize what they are doing. I know this is morbid. But it's kind of like when one member of an ancient couple dies and the other one soon lets go; it's nice that we need each other.

You are supporting an idea that is a HUGE problem in society these days: Making weak excuses for wrong doings.

He dealt drugs because he grew up in the city and it's all he knew.

He killed someone because he has Seasonal Bipolar Disorder, and it was winter!

He fails his ****s because he has ADD, it's not his fault!

Jeffery Dahmer, for example, had a completely normal life with good normal parents. What did he make of it? He became a cannabal, necropheliac, and killer. He took over 30 lives, I'm sure some liberals made plenty of excuses as to why it wasn't his fault.

There are murders commited every year, many of which were commited by people with the same advantages of you and I. Oh, but surely that can't be their fault! They were poor and addicted to drugs! BS!!!