[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"] [QUOTE="kuenbre"]All these elements came from assortments of protons, nuetrons, and electrons. This is also why there is static discharge. What setit in motion? Gravity of course. If God created the universe in 3 days (correct me if I'm wrong I'm a little rusty on this) then why is it forever expanding?bradleybhoy
The bible says he created the world in 7 days, but I have said before I don't believe the bible is intended to be taken literally or verbatum. So once again, you're saying that protons, neutrons, and electrons are infinate? And gravity is a product of a large mass of hard substance, so you're saying that's infinate too? Please remind me how Miller's experiment proved any of this...
Well there still is no proof of "a creator". Not that I'm trying to instigate anything here I'm just saying that attempting to either prove or disprove the existence of god is, currently, a futile exercise. Believe what you will though.
Oh, I know there's no proof of either, my point is (read a few posts back) he said this experiment proved there was no God, which is not so. (I used to be Agnostic, so I understand your view completely)
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