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#1 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

Why are athiests so obsessed with trying to disprove religions?

If you don't believe in God, fine, but why try to force others to believe what you believe? Believe what you want and they can believe what they want.


Best guess...insecurity.

Actually, I think that statement is wrong. Christians are the ones constantly trying to convert the other party, while Athiests are simply more prone to partake in religion arguments (since most of them know what they're talking about. To disbelieve the bible you probably have read it) I'm Catholic, but I'll still say that Christians are 10x worse when it comes to shoving propoganda down someone's throat.

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#2 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

LOTR: One of the greastest series of all time, both literary and cinematic.

Pirate of the Carribean: Fantastic movies, but lacks the history of LOTR.

Spiderman: WAY to many people were crying in the 3rd movie, it was uber emo.

Star Wars: Cult classic, everybody loves them, but outdated.

Bourne: Why is this even an option? A weak movie with a shallow plot. If you like watching people shooting and blowing crap up for 2 hours then okay, but how can it be compared to any of the above?

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#3 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

But without religion, the Pope wouldn't exist and therefore the Crusades and Inquisitions wouldn't! It is still a fault of religion! If everybody believes the Pope is the messenger of God then they will take what he says as the word of god, and even you guys admitted that the Pope does not perform the word of god! It deceitful to the people who so blindly obey this religion!hamstergeddon

For the 10th time: The Pope, along with the rest of mankind, have Free Will. He is a messenger of God, not a puppet of God. He still has the freedom to act upon his own agenda.

but that's the problem! People believe everything he does and says as holy! And you admit that he acts on his own accord, so now he has the power of god in his hands, and this has been my point all along! This is unacceptable, for a mere man to have the word of God in everything he says!

What people are you referring to? I am Roman Catholic, and if the Pope told all Catholics to begin massacring a group of people based on their ethnicity or religion, I'd dismiss him as insane. Back with the crusades: Those were desperate times, and people were very uneducated compared to today's standards.

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#4 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
Is anyone else constantly getting moderator warnings for no apparent reason? I've been as polite as possible in my posting, trying to post intelligently and respctfully. What's the deal?
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#5 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

But without religion, the Pope wouldn't exist and therefore the Crusades and Inquisitions wouldn't! It is still a fault of religion! If everybody believes the Pope is the messenger of God then they will take what he says as the word of god, and even you guys admitted that the Pope does not perform the word of god! It deceitful to the people who so blindly obey this religion!hamstergeddon

For the 10th time: The Pope, along with the rest of mankind, have Free Will. He is a messenger of God, not a puppet of God. He still has the freedom to act upon his own agenda.

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#6 RiSkyBiZ-13
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"Rational Athiest"

First off, they way you argue is ridiculous. You bring up one point, and when people start disagreeing with you you bring up another point completely. I mean seriously,use yourhead.

Anyways, First off about evolution. It is not proven. So for you to mock christains is funny, because you are using faith to believe something you THINK is true. Not only that, evolution has plenty of arguments against it, such as the fact that in evolution is about things mutating. Did you know that almost ALL mutations are negative or dont do anything for the organism? No you probably didnt. Also, how do you develope something as complex as an eye? That would take thousands of mutations turning out good, and we know that mutations rarely do! Is there a chance evolution is true? Ya, but for you to act like every person that doesnt believe in it is an idiot, just shows how completely ignorant you are.

For crying out loud, Einstien, Niehls Bohr, Isaac Newton, etc were all believed in some sort of god. And they were some of science greatest people.

As for Hitler being christain you are completely wrong. First off, you totally ignore other posters that posted some things he said that were blatantly anti-christain. How are you going to debate people if you act like their quotes dont mean a thing? If thats the case then neither do yours! Anyways, Hitler broke about every thing the biblestands for. Its like me saying i am for public education, but then i do every thing i can to fire teachers and shut down public shools. So you can say what ever crap you want about Hitler being christain, because he is not. He killed, lied, hated, and he is burning in hell.

You athiests try to say how all the worlds most evil people were christain like Hilter, Stalin, Mao Tse-tong, (spelling?)Muzzalini (spelling?) etc.Its because your to embarresed to admit that athiesm has caused the world tons of pain and suffering. No!!! you would rather just blame eveything on religion


Amen to that, finally a worthwhile post.

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#7 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts

What angers me about the Crusades is not only that the Christians were such jerks to the Muslims (go watch Kingdom of Heaven) but also that it was a RELIGIOUS LEADER that used Christianity for his own gains (maybe he actually believed that was what God wanted him to do, who knows?) And as far as I know, the Inquisition had no alternative motive to actual religious purposesrimnet00

The crusades were political. Christianity was wrongfully used to fuel the war. Just as the fear of an economy falling into depression can fuel a war. Whats your point? The Pope is just a man. Men make mistakes.

Exactly what I was saying! God gave ALL men Free Will, including the pope. Yes, he has direct contact with God, but that won't stop him from his own agenda based on fame, politics, or wealth.

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#8 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
In my opinion, you should go with a mid-grade quality 32". It's much bigger, and you'll pay the same as a top of the line 23". I stood in the story trying to compare the difference and it's SO subtle it's not worth the extra $$$.
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#9 RiSkyBiZ-13
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I don't think that's entirely correct. In the UK, we had stong female leaders in pre-christian civilisations. For example, Boudicca defeated the Romans! Elsewhere in the world, famous female rulers are common too.

The catholic faith has to change as more people can't relate to the religion. The changes made are an attempt to reverse the trend away from organised and oppressive religions in the west.

Why does the church not lead the way? After all, they are supposed to look after the moral welfare of their flock. Why fall behind and begrudgingly change because they have to or they'll just fade away.

Another interesting thing about catholics is their stance on evolution. There is no official acceptance, aside from the notion of a "discussion" and some strange non-committal quotes from vparious popes since the 1950s.


I have no idea how you can say that women were not persecuted and looked at as substandard throughout history, so I won't even bother arguing with you there- that is a historical fact.

Of course the Catholic Church is conforming to how society is, every organization does the same- not just religion. Hilary Clinton is running for president, hence politics have changed.

No offense intended, but I have no idea what you're trying to say about "Organized oppressive religions in the west," That comment made no sense to me at all.

They change because that IS leading. If a priest still kept his back to the mass, spoke Latin, and kept their old views about women, how will that help us? I can understand a homily spoken in English, and take a lesson away from it. It has nothing to do with them 'Fading away,' 30 years ago the Catholic Church was the same it's been throughout history and their numbers have never faltered. They did it for their people.

As for the evolution, this is officially my 3rd post in this thread saying the same thing, so please read it this time:

As a Catholic, I believe in Evolution. I believe God gave us a brain capable to challenge and question things that are said to us, the bible included. I don't believe Adam and Eve were actual real flesh and blood people, I think the story is a fable that needs to be read deeper. I don't believe anything in the bible is to be taken literally or verbatum, I think God wants us to challenge and question, only then will we find the true answers. As for the Big Bang, something had to have set something in motion for that to occur. Some being or presence had to have started some motion to cause the big bang.

Also, the same holds true for Revalations. Do you really think a 7 headed dragon will come out of the sea? I think there's more to this story...

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#10 RiSkyBiZ-13
Member since 2007 • 1448 Posts
I think it's pretty apparent that Gordon Freeman has Social Anxiety Disorder, he never says a word. He also shows signs of Bipolar, he's a scientist that doesn't hesitate to kill anything that moves with a crowbar- which also shows an extreme descensitization to violence.