RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
[QUOTE="chrisrooR"][QUOTE="camreeno360"]The "baby has a right"? I've heard that so many times it's not even funny...The thing with babies is that their minds are hardly developed enough at birth to even perceive themselves and almost all actions they do at that point at due to instinct. Sure people may say they're cute and you can't hurt something so cute, but that's just ridiculous. Since when does cuteness justifly calling off an abortion? The baby doesn't have control over the fact that it's cute.[QUOTE="123625"]I'm against it because i think the child has the right to be born, unless the mother's life is threatened.camreeno360
The point it, there's no point in having a baby grow up to be a full person when the parents wouldn't be there to care for it. I think of it this way....If the parents don't want their baby in the first place, then chances are that baby's life isn't worth living since they won't get the benefits of two loving parents who care for them. As a result they probably won't grow up too well and live a good life. The world's population is big enough as it is, so if we saved every baby that would have been aborted at birth, that would be a waste to all the space in the world that could have gone to children of parents who actually wanted a baby.
NOT TO MENTION, it's more than likely a baby that would have to be forced to say alive at birth from parents who don't want it...would go straight to foster care or adoption. Would that be a life worth living for the kid?
A life is better than nothing...
Bother to elaborate? What exactly is a life when you're just physically living but aren't mentally really living yet? A baby's mind at birth is comparable to a house cat, so what is it that people find so protective of a baby's life? Just because it's cute and it has to be saved? That's really the premise behind everyone's argument. Let's put it into another perspective. In the production stages, say when a sperm enters the end and starts first developing the baby, at what point would you call it a person? When it's shaped like a person? That's where you guys get stumped. Just because it's a potential life doesn't mean it IS a life, does that make sense? If you took a rock and said "In three weeks this rock will become a fully conscience person", and you destroyed the rock, would you say that's a situation that's alright? It's just about no different that disposing of the baby at birth or near birth.So, by your logic, murdering the mentally disabled would be okay, because they have the "mental state of a house cat."
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"][QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"]I'm pro-choice, because I think a women should have the right to choose.ElectronicMagic
Sure she does, what a convenient and immature solution to being a simple minded child. I don't think ANYONE should take responsibility for anything they do!
It's a clump of under-developed cells that could potentially develop into a human being, get over it. If she wants to rid herself of that, she has the right to do so. You do what you want with your own uterus, if you have one that is. Women or anyone for that matter shouldn't have their rights taken away because someone else's religion says it's bad.
exactly, religion shouldn't decide what you feel for what is right for you
Who said anything about religion? This is about taking responsibility for your actions. Like I said, we all know where babies come from- sex. If you think you're mature enough to have sex, you need to be mature enough to accept the potential consequences. As for a "clump of under-developed cells" that sounds like a desperate rationaliztion to help a murderer sleep better at night. Serial killers do the same thing, they view their victims as sub-human and less than a living being. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
9 times out of 10 a person that is "pro-life" is pushing their religion on people. People who get pregnant are taking responsibility for their actions, they know they had sex and became pregnant and now they are being responsible and making a choice. Just because people have sex doesn't mean that if they get pregnant that they have to have a child. And despite what you want to think, all it is is a clump of under-developed cells. It's not a desperate rationalization, it's scientific fact and not religious bias. Do you consider male masturbation genocide? Every single sperm cell has the potential to become a human being. Like I said before, if you get someone pregnant, by all means don't have an abortion, but just because that's what is right to you, doesn't mean that other people shouldn't be allowed the option to choose.
It seems like an irresponsible and immature thing to do. As for masturbation no, I don't see that as anything worse than stepping on a blade of grass or killing an ant. In pregnancy, however, I see these "clump of cells" as a child, because that's what it would turn into if not killed. I still say that if two people have consensual sex, they need to accept responsibility for a child. If they can't afford it or are too young, adoption is always an option.
[QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="ElectronicMagic"]I'm pro-choice, because I think a women should have the right to choose.The_Last_Ride
Sure she does, what a convenient and immature solution to being a simple minded child. I don't think ANYONE should take responsibility for anything they do!
It's a clump of under-developed cells that could potentially develop into a human being, get over it. If she wants to rid herself of that, she has the right to do so. You do what you want with your own uterus, if you have one that is. Women or anyone for that matter shouldn't have their rights taken away because someone else's religion says it's bad.
exactly, religion shouldn't decide what you feel for what is right for you
Who said anything about religion? This is about taking responsibility for your actions. Like I said, we all know where babies come from- sex. If you think you're mature enough to have sex, you need to be mature enough to accept the potential consequences. As for a "clump of under-developed cells" that sounds like a desperate rationaliztion to help a murderer sleep better at night. Serial killers do the same thing, they view their victims as sub-human and less than a living being. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.
Iv stoped eating meat.There are a bunch of other things I eat besides meat.I just wish my parents would understand.I hope they dont force me to eat meat.Then they started telling me a bunch of things and stuff like they were making fun of me for saying that im no longer eating meat and I will proberly get in trouble are something for refusing to eat chicken and stuff.Even though Iv tried a bunch of vegitation and hate the way it taste I still like potatoes and stuff...So theres a bunch of things I can still eat.Im no longer eating eggs either.Im still going to drink milk though.So what do you guys think.Please dont start saying its a bad idea I relly want someone to help me with it since my family hates the idea. Wolf-avatar
I think it's a bad idea, sorry. Meat is necessary, you'll be unhealthy without it.
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