[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="villa4europe"]i agree that if the womans health is at risk then it should be allowed
i also think that when you look at the great world that we live in there are some absolutely horrible parents and some truely shocking conditions that children are forced to live in, whilst i dont think it should be as easy as being a form of birth control, i do believe that in some cases id rather have the child aborted than born into a terrible life
plus as a UK taxpayer i cant imagine how much single parents would cost our economy if abortions werent allowed, unfortunately the culture we live in means that more and more people are having sex irresponsibly without considering cosequencesand then relying on the government for a free ticket when things go pear shaped
Who decides that the child will be born into a "horrible life"? There are some great leaders throughout history that rose above their "terrible life" to become some of the greatest people ever known. Hell, even my own mother had substandard living conditions throughout her childhood, she overcame them. And you'd rather save a few tax dollars and kill a kid? Wow..
yes i would, brutal but honest
unfortunately i dont agree with having kids at 15 just to be cool, knowing full well that you will get a free house and be set for life, i consider the laws we have in the UK to be completely adequate and dont think they require change
alot of people who are having children shouldnt be having them, and getting rid of abortions would just make that number rise
Encouraging abortions will also create wide-spread disregard for any kind of protection, opening new problems like STD's. People need to learn to take responsibility for their actions, the last thing we need to do is create ANOTHER easy way out of immature irresponsible people.
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