I wouldn't recommend you just join the army simply because you like war movies and play war games. Life doesn't have a reset nor a rewind button.
I guess if you like getting up at 4:00 AM you might like it. If you like scrubbing dishes and mopping the mess hall you might like it. If you like scrubbing down and mopping the bathrooms you might like it.
Besides.. the army tells you what you are gonna be and where you are gonna go. They evaluate your abilities and performance then they decide what you are best suited for. If they don't think you have what it takes to be a combatant they won't make you a commando. They will assign you to a civil duty. Like a mechanic, a cook or some other type of technician.
Plenty of people go in the military thinking it's gonna be counter-strike but they spend their time in the military as a power plant technician in a government power plant supplying power for a base. Or in sewage treatment. Ow whatever. Which there's nothing wrong with that, but that's what the movies show.
I can tell you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I'm in the military, been in for 3 years, NONE of that is true.
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